Accommodation suggestions
Dislaimer: The following list of accommodation suggestions has been compiled by the workshop organizers with accessibility to BIOCEV in view and without any claims at completness. The organizers of the workshop declare no connection with the listed accommodation providers. Including accommodation providers in the list does not imply any form of endorsement of the said providers neither in terms of quality nor value of their services.
Spokojený host - 2 stops by bus or approx. 1.5 km walk along streets with pavements to BIOCEV, Sporthotel Vestec or U Krbu - approx. 1.5 km walk to BIOCEV, partly along a road with no pavement.
Camp Prager, Chopsticks or Ariane - all in a short walking distance to bus stops of the 326 line connecting BIOCEV to Metro Opatov.
Prague - Opatov
Pension Berta - a short walking distance to Metro station Opatov with direct connection to central Prague and to BIOCEV by the 326 bus.
Prague - Budějovicka and Krc area
Hotel ILF - at Metro Budejovická with perfect connection to central Prague, U Labutě or Rezidence Emmy - all are in a short walking distance to bus stops of lines 332, 335, 337 and 339 connecting Vestec to Metro Budejovická.
Kamenný dvůr or Prague Sweet Home - both approx. 4 km from BIOCEV with no direct bus connection, inconvenient without a car.
Zlatníky - Hodkovice
Aurooms or U Beranka - both approx. 4 km from BIOCEV with no direct bus connection, inconvenient without a car.
Dolní Břežany
Olivův pivovar - approx. 6 km from BIOCEV with no direct bus connection, inconvenient without a car.