Head of research group:   Prof. RNDr. Ivan Němec, Ph.D.

  • Associated Professor
  • M.Sc. (1990), Ph.D. (1998) and Doc. (2009) from Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
  • Investigator of grant projects supported by the Czech Science Foundation, the Grant Agency of Charles University in Prague and the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic

  • Contact:           "WhoIS"

    Department of Inorganic Chemistry,
    Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague,
    Hlavova 8, 128 40 Prague 2, Czech Republic
    phone: (+420) 22195 1255,
    fax:     (+420) 22195 1253

  • e-mail:


 Research topics:


Preparation and characterization of novel materials for nonlinear optics (NLO), especially for second harmonic generation (SHG), based on hydrogen-bonded compounds (i.e. salts or cocrystals) of organic nitrogen-containing bases



Prepared materials are characterized by the combination of diffractional (X-ray structural analysis) and spectroscopic methods (FTIR, FT Raman, NMR, UV-VIS-NIR, MS).


The interpretation of spectroscopic data is based on quantum chemical calculations (Gaussian).


The final optical characterization of prospective materials is performed in collaboration with Department of Chemical Physics and Optics (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague) and Institute of Physics (The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic).