| Exlibris - book-plate is a small graphic sheet bearing the inscription Ex libris and a name of family coat-of arms of the owner. Originally it was affixed to books and indicated the book owner. Latin words "ex libris" mean "from books". This indication was used in Europe since the 16th century and it was used mostly by sovereigns, noble families and monastries. A great attention was paid to its appearance and artist design since the very beginning. The exlibris were painted by the top artists of that time, e.g. Albrecht Durer, Lucas Cranach and others. Later on, the book-plate was loosing its original purpose, and it became a subject of collection. By the end of 19th century many associations of exlibris collectors were established. They started to publish professional books and specialised journals. At the same time, the best graphic artists started to went in for this new type of graphic art. |