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Submitted by komanek on

Update (2006/03/03): This article is copied form the old version of my website. Seems to be already off-topic, but .... let's read what were the reasons for my displacement in 2003. What I think is the most important message has a value of separate article, but at least very shortly here: These conflicts are not about spreading democracy worldwide. They are about economic power. The most powerfull people of this planet know they need to keep the world divided and they know they need billions of "normal" people believing in doing the right think. Some of those people do it for "so called" democracy, some for their religion. At this point of view, there are no "better" and "worse", both sides are trying to keep their empires profiting from the pain of the others. There is nothing new in this over all the evolution of life on Earth, only means and instruments are changing. People are evolving to the most efficient warriors who ever lived here. It would be very nice to see that there is a way to realize this on the global level and switch to another mode of living and cooperation, not based on conflicts between various flavors of the same world. Do you really think, there is no way to escape from this evolutionary trap ?

Today, March 18th 2003, it seems the war between USA and Iraq is unavoidable. First of all, I am very sorry for all the people which will die and suffer from this. I do not agree with the agression and here is why:

  • The reason for the war is not to defend the future possible use of nuclear, biological, chemical weapons (NBC). If it would be so, why Iraq and not Korea, India, Pakistan, .... ?
  • This war will not be driven by the ideals of democracy. If so, why not in Tschetchnia and many other countries ? Where is the plurality principle ? Why is not respected that nation (Iraq's people) are preffering their own living philosophy instead of adopting so called "democratic model" of "western civilisation" ?
  • USA want to fight - for economic and strategic reasons. They even do not respect UNO's members majority attitude. So I think the agression should show that nobody want nor can stop USA from this step and it could be dangerous precedent for the future. I strongly disagree with this mode of operation in our world. This will bring a new kind of totality.
  • This case shows that democracy in its current form of application is not strong enough to prevent violence and injury on both our souls and bodies. Democracy is more and more an illusion for 6 bilions of people to be satisfied with the world which in some way never changed: the world is all the human history governed by a relatively small group of people and I am very sceptic it will ever change. Democracy is not what we think it should be. These days are strong evidence for this. The only problem is, only few of us see this matrix-like reality.
  • Some "democratic" goverments do not respetc the voice of their electors. As far as I know, Polland, Slovakia and probably Czech Republic will support the war as much as they can. But the majority of citizens does not want this. What does it mean ? Do small nations cringe to "Great Powers" with no further tribute ? I think somebody tries tell us the democracy in Iraq will be enforced with use of non-democratic methods. This is another evidence that the naked truth is the bitter truth and in no case the one presented to us by officials.

    Untill people realize they do not need weapons for fighting in wars, until people will want to be employed as a soldiers, we cannot overcome this.

    The fact most of people are too dummy is the reason the war will start in a few hours. The fact majority of us is satisfied with the current state of our world is the reason the war will start in a few hours.

    Think about it.

    Since the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001 there was a ribbon demostrating my solidarity with US people on my homepage. Although I continue to mean it well to ordinary people who suffered by that event, I changed the ribbon image on my homepage. This is because I am not sympathetic with the nation which elected conquerors instead of democrates to its governing structures.

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