AN: B33C-1426
TI: Magnetic Analysis of Post-mortem Hippocampal Tissue from Alzheimer's Patients: Changes with Progression of the Disease.
AU: * Fuller, M
EM: mfuller@soest.hawaii.edu
AF: HIGP-SOEST., University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, United States
AU: Zinin, P
EM: zini@soest.hawaii.edu
AF: HIGP-SOEST., University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, United States
AU: Favia, J
EM: favia@hawaii.edu
AF: HIGP-SOEST., University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, United States
AU: Tatsumi, L
EM: lisa.tatsumi@gmail.com
AF: HIGP-SOEST., University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, United States
AU: Kletetschka, G
EM: gunther.kletetschka@gsfc.nasa.gov
AF: Geology, Charles University, Prague, 12843, Czech Republic
AU: Kletetschka, G
EM: gunther.kletetschka@gsfc.nasa.gov
AF: Physics, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064, United States
AU: Kletetschka, G
EM: gunther.kletetschka@gsfc.nasa.gov
AF: Astrochemistry, GSFC/NASA, Code 691, Greenbelt, MD 96822, United States
AU: Adachi, T
EM: tomoko.adachi@ssedmail.gsfc.nasa.gov
AF: Astrochemistry, GSFC/NASA, Code 691, Greenbelt, MD 96822, United States
AB: Increases of iron in the human brain with age have been observed and may be accompanied by the development of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's. We have measured the magnetic characteristics of several sets of slides of hippocampal tissue from deceased Alzheimer patients. The slides were made available by the Harvard Brain Bank. The pathology of the tissue was classified in the Braak stages I to VI used to describe the progression of the disease. In general, the slides from patients with higher Braak stages and development of fibrillary tangles and plaques had greater magnetic moments than did those with Braak stage II. However, the peak values were at stage IV and V. To mitigate errors due to the inevitable differences in masses of the tissue on individual slides and their precise location in the hippocampus, ratios of magnetic properties were also observed. Ratios of Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetizaton (ARM) to Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM) were obtained and showed a decrease from Stage II to the more advanced stages, with the minimum values at stages IV and V. The acquisition and demagnetization of IRM are consistent with the presence of magnetite, but also indicate a magnetically harder phase.
DE: 1505 Biogenic magnetic minerals
SC: Biogeosciences [B]
MN: 2007 Fall Meeting