Three surface kinematic hardening model

Three surface kinematic hardening model by Stallebrass [7] and Stallebrass and Taylor [8] with small strain elasticity by Viggiani and Atkinson [9].

Required parameters:

Therefore, parameters should be specified as follows: 2, $ K_w$, $ A$, $ n$, $ m$, $ M$, $ \kappa^*$, $ \lambda^*$, $ T$, $ S$, $ \psi$, $ N$

Required state variables:

18 state variables required:

If positions of kinematic surfaces not initialised (values of state v. 3 and 9 are 0), they are initialised such that they are centered about the initial stress state. State v. 2 ($ p_0$) is meant for post-processing only, it is always calculated from void ratio $ e$.

Typical parameters:

Table 4: Typical parameters of the 3-SKH model
  $ A$ $ n$ $ m$ $ M$ $ \kappa^\ast$ $ \lambda^\ast$ $ T$ $ S$ $ \psi$ $ N$
Speswhite kaolin [8] 1964 0.65 0.2 0.89 0.005 0.073 0.25 0.08 2.5 1.1

Example input file and initialisation file for the FE program Abaqus$ ^{TM}$.
Example input file for the FE program Tochnog Professional.

David Masin 2011-02-07