Blattodea Karyotype Database

initial version: 1.0 (June 8, 2021)

Marek Jankásek, Zuzana Kotyková Varadínová and František Šťáhlavský

superfamily: Blaberoidea

Cited as = species name adopted by the researcher that performed the cytogenetic analysis; 2n (m) = diploid number of males; 2n (f) = diploid number of females; M = metacentrics; SM = submetacentrics; ST = subtelocentrics; T = telocentrics; morphology of chromosomes of females in parenthesis; NF (m) = "nombre fundamental" of males;  NF (f) = "nombre fundamental" of females; SCS = sex chromosome system; " = data based on our analysis of the original pictures of the karyotypes; ? = data assumed by the authors of original publication; * = our assumption based on the most probable state of characters supported by information from other publications.





Cited as

2n (m) 2n (f) M SM ST T NF (m) NF (f)


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Blaberinae Archimandrita tessellata ---- 45? 46         ---- ---- ---- Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  
Blaberinae Blaberus atropos or B. craniifer Blabera fusca 73? 74         ---- ---- ---- South America  Suomalainen 1946 1)
Blaberinae Blaberus atropos ---- 73? 74         ---- ---- ---- Trinidad Cohen & Roth 1970  
Blaberinae Blaberus craniifer ---- 73 74         ---- ---- XX/X0 laboratory Cochran & Ross 1967  
Blaberinae Blaberus craniifer ---- 73 74         ---- ---- XX/X0* ---- Cohen & Roth 1970  
Blaberinae Blaberus discoidalis ---- 37 38         ---- ---- XX/X0* Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  
Blaberinae Blaberus discoidalis ---- 37 38         ---- ---- XX/X0 laboratory John & Lewis 1959  
Blaberinae Blaberus giganteus ---- 73 74         ---- ---- XX/X0 laboratory Cochran & Ross 1967  
Blaberinae Blaberus giganteus ---- 73 74         ---- ---- XX/X0* ---- Cohen & Roth 1970  
Blaberinae Blaberus parabolicus ---- 39 40         ---- ---- XX/X0* Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Blaberinae Byrsotria fumigata ---- 47 48         ---- ---- XX/X0* ---- Cohen & Roth 1970  
Blaberinae Eublaberus distanti ---- 65 66         ---- ---- XX/X0* Trinidad Cohen & Roth 1970  
Blaberinae Eublaberus posticus ---- 43? 44 (34)" (10)"     ---- 88" ---- Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  
Blaberinae Hormetica scrobiculata ---- 31 32?         ---- ---- XX/X0 ---- Piza 1958  
Blaberinae Hormetica ventralis Dasyposoma nigra 31 32?         ---- ---- XX/X0 ---- Piza 1958  
Blaberinae Hyporhicnoda litomorpha ---- 43? 44 (20)" (16)" (8)"   ---- 80" ---- Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  
Blaberinae Petasodes dominicana ---- 53 54?         ---- ---- XX/X0 ---- Piza 1958  
Blaberinae Phoetalia circumvagans Leurolestes circumavagans 53 54?         ---- ---- XX/X0 ---- Piza 1958  
Diplopterinae Diploptera punctata ---- 47? 48         ---- ---- ---- USA (Hawaii) Cohen & Roth 1970  
Epilamprinae Alphelixia sicca Pinaconota sicca 33 34 10" 17" 6"   60" ---- XX/X0* Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Epilamprinae Epilampra abdomennigrum ---- 41 42         ---- ---- XX/X0* Brazil Roth & Gurney 1969  
Epilamprinae Epilampra grisea ---- 49? 50 (6)" (14)" (22)" (8)" ---- 70" ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Epilamprinae Epilampra maculicollis ---- 37 38?         ---- ---- XX/X0 ---- Piza 1958  
Epilamprinae Epilampra maya ---- 35? 36         ---- ---- ---- Panama Roth & Gurney 1969  
Epilamprinae Epilampra sagitta ---- 43? 44         ---- ---- ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Epilamprinae Epilampra sp. Epilampra sp. (81B) 39? 40         ---- ---- ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Epilamprinae Galiblatta williamsi ---- 27 28? 7* 10* 2* 8* 44* ---- ---- Brazil Roth 1968  
Epilamprinae Poeciloderrhis verticalis Epilampra verticalis 57 58?         ---- ---- XX/X0 ---- Piza 1958  
Epilamprinae Rhabdoblatta annandalei ---- 49? 50         ---- ---- ---- Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
Epilamprinae Rhabdoblatta sp. Rhabdoblatta sp. (39T) 31? 32 (14)" (12)" (6)"   ---- 58" ---- Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
Oxyhaloinae Elliptorhina brunneri Gromphadorhina brunneri 63 64 9" 22" 18" 14" 94" ---- XX/X0* Madagascar Cohen & Roth, 1970  
Oxyhaloinae Elliptorhina chopardi Gromphadorhina chopardi 75 76         ---- ---- XX/X0* Madagascar Cohen & Roth, 1970  
Oxyhaloinae Gromphadorina portentosa ---- 63 64         ---- ---- XX/X0* Madagascar Cohen & Roth, 1970  
Oxyhaloinae Rhyparobia maderae Leucophaea maderae 23 24 20" 3"     46" ---- XX/X0* ---- Cohen & Roth, 1970  
Oxyhaloinae Rhyparobia maderae Leucophaea maderae 23 24         ---- ---- XX/X0 laboratory Cochran & Ross 1967  
Oxyhaloinae Rhyparobia maderae Leucophaea maderae 23 24         ---- ---- XX/X0 Bermuda Morse, 1909  
Oxyhaloinae Nauphoeta cinerea ---- 37? 38 (34)"   (4)"   ---- 72" ---- ---- Cohen & Roth 1970  
Panchlorinae Panchlora nivea ---- 35? 36 (2)" (2)" (12)" (20)" ---- 40" ---- ---- Cohen & Roth 1970  
Panchlorinae Panchlora viridis ---- 37 38?         ---- ---- XX/X0 ---- Piza 1958  
Panchlorinae Panchlora sp. Panchlora sp. (131B) 31? 32 (2)" (10)" (6)" (14)" ---- 44" ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Panesthiinae Macropanesthia rhinoceros ---- 79? 80?         ---- ---- ---- Australia Cohen & Roth 1970  
Panesthiinae Panesthia angustipennis cognata Panesthia stellata 37 38?         ---- ---- ---- ---- Cohen & Roth 1970 2)
Panesthiinae Panesthia angustipennis cognata Panesthia sp. (T) 37 38?         ---- ---- ---- Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970 2)
Pycnoscelinae Proscratea complanata ---- 35? 36         ---- ---- ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus indicus ---- 35 36 20 14 1 ---- ---- XX/X0* USA (Hawaii) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus indicus ---- 37 38 22 14 1 ---- ---- XX/X0* USA (Hawaii) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus indicus Pycnoscelus surinamensis (bisexual form) 37 38         ---- ---- XX/X0 Germany (Berlin Aquarium) Matthey 1945  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus indicus Pycnoscelus surinamensis (bisexual form) 37 38         ---- ---- XX/X0 Malaysia Matthey 1948  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis   33 ---- 20 12 1 65     Thailand (Pak Thong Chai, Sakaerat District) Roth & Cohen 1968 3)
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- ---- 34 (20) (12) (2) ---- 66 ---- Brazil (Serra Tamendaui) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- 33 34 (20) (12) (2) ---- 66 ---- Australia (Fraser Island, near Maryborough) Roth & Cohen 1968 4)
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- ---- 34         ---- ---- ---- Thailand (Petchbouri) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- ---- 35 (20) (13) (2) ---- 68 ---- Thailand (Pak Thong Chai) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- ---- 37 (20) (17)     ---- 74 ---- Indonesia (Bogor) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- ---- 39         ---- ---- ---- Brazil (Puraquequara) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- ---- 53 (36) (16) (1) ---- 105 ---- Brazil (Belém) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- ---- 53 (36) (16) (1) ---- 105 ---- USA (Florida, Clearwater) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- ---- 54 (28) (24) (2) ---- 106 ---- Panama (Changuinola) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- ---- 54 (28) (24) (2) ---- 106 ---- Jamaica (Mount Plenty) Roth & Cohen 1968  
Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis ---- ---- 54         ---- ---- ---- Uganda Roth & Cohen 1968  
Zetoborinae Capucina patula ---- 37 38 23" 8" 2" 4" 68" ---- XX/X0* Costa Rica Cohen & Roth 1970  
Zetoborinae Lanxoblatta emarginata ---- 65? 66         ---- ---- ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Zetoborinae Phortioeca phoraspoides ---- 65 66 (26)" (18)" (14)" (8)" ---- 110" XX/X0* Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  
Zetoborinae Schultesia lampyridiformis Undetermined genus (41B) 29? 30         ---- ---- ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970 5)




Cited as

2n (m) 2n (f) M SM ST T NF (m) NF (f)


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---- Attaphila fungicola ---- 33? 34?         ---- ---- ---- USA (Louisiana) Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Blattella bisignata ---- 23 24 (14)" (10)"     ---- 48" XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Blattella germanica ---- 23 24 (18)" (6)"     ---- 48" XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Blattella germanica ---- 23 24         ---- ---- XX/X0 laboratory Cochran & Ross 1967  
---- Blattella germanica ---- 23 24         ---- ---- XX/X0 ---- Stevens 1905  
---- Blattella germanica Phyllodromia germanica 23 24         ---- ---- XX/X0 Germany (Berlin) Suomalainen 1946  
---- Blattella germanica Phyllodromia germanica 23 24         ---- ---- XX/X0 Finland (Helsinki) Suomalainen 1946  
---- Blattella germanica ---- 23 24         ---- ---- XX/X0 ---- Wassilieff 1907  
---- Blattella humbertiana Blattella sp. D 29 30 (12)" (8)" (2)" (8)" ---- 50" XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970,  6)
---- Blattella lituricollis Blattella lituricollis lituricolis 25? 26 (18)" (6)" (2)"   ---- 50" ---- Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Blattella lobiventris Blattella sp. E (71A) 49 50         ---- ---- XX/X0* Africa Cohen & Roth 1970,  6)
---- Blattella roederi Blattella sp. C (43T) 27 28 (18)" (4)"   (6)" ---- 50" XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970,  6)
---- Blattella subvittata Blattella sauteri 23 24 (16)" (8)"     ---- 48" XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970 6)
---- Blattella vaga ---- 23 24         ---- ---- XX/X0* ---- Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Blattella vaga ---- 23 24         ---- ---- XX/X0 laboratory Cochran & Ross 1967  
---- Hemithyrsocera limbata Parasymploce limbata 23 24 (18)" (4)"   (2)" ---- 46" XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Hemithyrsocera sp. Parasymploce sp. (25T) 31 32 (10)" (6)" (12)" (4)" ---- 48" XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Hemithyrsocera sp. Parasymploce sp. (30T) 31 32 (12)" (6)" (12)" (4)" ---- 50" XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Hemithyrsocera vittata Hemithyrsocera lateralis 25? 26 (14)" (6)" (6)"   ---- 46" ---- Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Ischnoptera castanea ---- 33 34 (22)" (10)" (2)"   ---- 66" XX/X0* Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Ischnoptera deropeltiformis ---- 49 50         ---- ---- XX/X0* USA (Texas) Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Ischnoptera galibi ---- 43? 44         ----   ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Ischnoptera mura ---- 33? 34 (4)" (6)" (2)" (22)" ---- 44" ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Ischnoptera panamae ---- 39 40         ---- ---- XX/X0* Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Ischnoptera rufa rufa ---- 39? 40 (30)" (10)"     ---- 80" ---- Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Ischnoptera sp. Ischnoptera sp. (93B) 37 38 (8)"   (16)" (14)" ---- 46" XX/X0* Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Loboptera decipiens ---- 33 34?         ---- ---- ---- France  Suomalainen 1946  
---- Lobopterella dimidiatipes ---- 37 38         ----   XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Neotemnopteryx fulva Gislenia australica 33 34         ---- ---- XX/X0* Australia Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Paratemnopteryx couloniana Shawella couloniana 35 36         ---- ---- XX/X0* Australia Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Parcoblatta fulvescens ---- 37 38? 17"   18" 12" 54" ---- ---- USA (Texas) Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Parcoblatta pennsylvanica ---- 37 38?         ---- ---- ---- USA (New York) Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Pseudomops septentrionalis ---- 31 32 17" 12"   4" 60" ---- XX/X0* USA (Texas) Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Symploce pallens Symploce capitata (Saussure) 27 28 (2)" (10)" (16)"   ---- 40" XX/X0* Panama Cohen & Roth 1970 7)
---- Symploce sp. Symploce fusca (Brunner) 29? 30         ---- ---- ---- Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970 8)
---- Symplocodes marmorata ---- 39? 40         ---- ---- ---- Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Symplocodes sp. Symplocodes n. sp. (50 T) 37 38         ---- ---- XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
---- Xestoblatta immaculata ---- 37 38 (10)" (10)" (16)" (2)" ---- 58" XX/X0* Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  




Cited as

2n (m) 2n (f) M SM ST T NF (m) NF (f)


Collection site



Ectobiinae Ectobius pallidus ---- 21 22 (14)" (8)"     ---- 44" XX/X0* USA (Massachusetts) Cohen & Roth 1970  




Cited as

2n (m) 2n (f) M SM ST T NF (m) NF (f)


Collection site



Pseudophyllodromiinae Agmoblatta thaxteri ---- 25? 26 (12)" (10)" (4)"   ---- 48" ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Amazonina conspersa ---- 23? 24 (22)" (2)"     ---- 48" ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Amazonina sp. Amazonina n. sp. (P) 25 26 (14)" (10)" (2)"   ---- 50" XX/X0* Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Amazonina nidicteridicola Amazonina n. sp. (38B) 25 26 (18)" (8)"     ---- 52" XX/X0* Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970 5)
Pseudophyllodromiinae Balta notulata Lupparia notulata 19 20         ---- ---- XX/X0* Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Cariblatta minima Cariblatta lutea minima 25? 26 (2)" (8)"   (16) ---- 28" ---- USA (Florida) Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Dendroblatta cnephaia ---- 31? 32 (14)" (12)" (2)" (4)" ---- 58" ---- Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Dendroblatta sobrina ---- 25 26 (10)" (12)" (4)"   ---- 48" XX/X0* ---- Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Lophoblatta brevis ---- 31 32 (2)" (2)"   (28)" ---- 36" XX/X0* Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Lophoblatta fissa ---- 15 16 11" 4"     30" ---- XX/X0* Panama Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Margattea punctulata ---- 19 20 14" 2"   2" 35" ---- XX/X0* Thailand Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Nahublattella sp. Nahublattella n. sp. (72B) 31 32 (2)" (6)" (22)" (2)" ---- 40" XX/X0* Brazil Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Supella longipalpa ---- 19? 20 14"     (12)" ---- 28" ---- ---- Cohen & Roth 1970  
Pseudophyllodromiinae Supella longipalpa Supella supellectilium 19 20         ---- ---- XX/X0 laboratory Cochran & Ross 1967  



1) Possible misidentification by Suomalainen (see Cohen & Roth 1970).

2) Material identification corrected in Roth 1979.

3) One rare male observed in species with thelytokous parthenogenesis

4) Two rare males observed in species with thelytokous parthenogenesis

5) Material idetntification made by Roth 1973.

6) Material idetntification made by Roth 1985.

7) S. capitata (Saussure) synonimized with S. pallens in Roth 1982.

8) S. fusca is not valid name according to Cockroach Species Files.