Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae


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Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae is an international scientific journal of invertebrate and vertebrate zoology. It publishes original papers on general, applied and systematic zoology, palaeoentomology, soil biology, biographies, obituaries and book reviews. It is understood that manuscripts submitted to this journal are not offered to any other journal for prior or simultaneous publication. All articles are published in English and are peer-reviewed. One volume including 4 issues is published each year.

Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae is published by the Czech Zoological Society. Papers by members of the Czech Zoological Society are preferred.

Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae is a direct continuation of the periodical Zpráva o činnosti Československé zoologické společnosti za léta 1927-1932 (Volume 1, 1927-1932), followed by Věstník Československé společnosti zoologické (Volumes 2-53, 1933-1989) and Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovacae (Volumes 54-56, 1990-1992). Since 1993 (Volume 57) the journal has been published under the present name. Contributions were at first written in Czech with titles and summaries in French or English, later some contributions were written in Czech, French, English and German. Since 1956 the contributions have been written in German, French, English, Spain and Russian, and since 1990 all contributions have been written in English. Since 1956 all contributions have been peer-reviewed.

Publisher: Czech Zoological Society

Editor-in-Chief: David Král

Executive Editors: Petr Benda, Jakub Prokop

Address: Czech Zoological Society, CZ-128 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic

Editorial Board: Jan Buchar, Ivo Hodek, Alois Honěk, Jaroslav Hrbáček, Vojtěch Jarošík, František Moravec, Josef Rusek, Jiří Vávra



Instructions to authors

Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae publishes in English, original papers on general, applied and systematic
zoology, biographies and book reviews. Papers by members of the Czech Zoological Society are preferred. It is
understood that manuscripts submitted are not offered to any other journal for prior or simultaneous publication.
Authors of taxonomic papers must respect the articles of International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
(Fourth Edition, 1999) and observe its recommendations. The manuscript, including footnotes, references and
tables, must be typed with double spacing (30 lines per page) on one side A4 paper (210 mm × 297 mm), in
duplicate, and should be not longer than 30 pages. Pages must be numbered throughout the manuscript. Final
version (corrected as referees and editorial board requested) is preferably accepted on PC compatible electronic
version submitted on 3.5" diskette, ZIP disk or CD-R.
Heading. Title of paper, full name(s) of author(s), place of work with full address – on separate line.
Abstract summarizing concisely the contents of the paper and indicating the relevance of the work, should not
exceed 20 type-writen lines.
Key words. Select a set (one or two lines) of key words (index terms).
References. Within the text – Dryden (1968), (Latin 1967), Kummari & Nair (1967), Tamiro et al. (1970),
the full citation should be given in the list of references. Under the References authors should be cited in full
followed by abbrevitations of periodical in accordance with The World List of Scientific Periodicals, 4th edition,
London: Butterworths (1964–1965). The number is to be given (in parentheses) only when individual numbers
are paginated independently (see example b). References to papers published in languages other than the major
ones, or printed in characters other than Latin, should be content English translation, with an appropriate note
at the end (see examples e, f, g, h).
(a) Dryden G. L. 1968: Growth and development of Suncus murinus on Guam. J. Mammal. 49: 51–62.
(b) Lonberg E. & Gustavson C. 1937: Contribution to the life history of the stripped wrasse. Ark. Zool. 29(7): 1–16.
(c) Lattin G. de 1967: Grundriss der Zoogeographie. Jena: Fischer Verlag, 602 pp.
(d) Makin D. 1989: The status of bats in Israel. Pp.: 403–408. In: Hanák V., Horáček I. & Gaisler J. (eds):
European Bat Research 1987. Praha: Charles Univ. Press, 718 pp.
(e) Schornikov E. I. 1969: A new family of Ostracoda from the supralitoral zone of Kuril Islands. Zool. Zh. 48:
494–498 (in Russian, Engl. abstr.).
(f) Nikolajev G. V. 1987: Plastinchatousye zhuki (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) Kazakhstana [Scarabaeoidaea
(Coleoptera) of Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata: Izd. Nauka KazSSR, 232 pp. (in Russian).
Nikolaev G. V. 1987: Plastinčatousye •uki (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidaea) Kazahstana i Srednej Azii
[Scarabaeoidaea (Coleoptera) of Kazakhstan and Central Asia]. Alma-Ata: Izd. Nauka KazSSR, 232 pp. (in
(h) Lekeš V. 1993: [Macrolepidoptera of the Polabí lowland]. Polabská Příroda 4: 19–20 (in Czech).
Illustrations and their captions or legends must form a separate unit. Clear technically perfect line drawings and
photographs (black-white, glossy) are accepted. The original drawing and photographs (one set) should be more
than twice as large as when printed and preferably arrange into blocks or plates so that the blocks of drawings or
photographs may be uniformly reproduced over the page with the journal. Legends to the illustrations should be
supplied on a separate sheet of paper. References to illustrations and tables in the text: Fig. 1; Figs 1–2; Plate 1,
Fig. 1 (for photographic plates); Table 1; Tab. 1; Tabs 1–2. Graphics can be also provided in electronic version and
should be saved in Tagged Image Format (TIF). Required minimum resolution for figures in halftones 8-bit
grayscale mode is 400 dpi at print size and line art in 1-bit black mode is 1200 dpi at print size. Figures in
Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel cannot be used.
Tables including headings and explanations should be on separate sheet of paper, numbered consequently with
Arabic numerals.
In the text: Latin taxa up to generic level – with wavy underlining (italics). In the References: names of
periodicals (not the Latin names of taxa) with wavy underlining.
Proofs will be sent to authors. PDF version and fifty reprints are supplied free of charge. Manuscripts of published
papers, diskettes and originals of illustrations are not returned unless return is requested.
Address of the editorial office: Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem., Dr David Král, Viničná 7, CZ–128 00 Praha 2, Czech
Republic; e-mail:
(they will be published here
in the next days, e.g. February 09)



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