Information about Prague - NEW

Prague City Server - A-Z in Prague, accommodation, restaurants, services, culture, etc.
Prague Information Service - info for visitors
Prague Transportation Service - public transport in Prague, tickets, timetables, etc.
Prague Post online - news from Prague
Seznam mapy - map of Prague, Czech Republic and other
Prague on Lonely Planet - visitors guide

NEW - How to get to Faculty of Science and Hotel IBIS

NEW - info for Prague 2004 Workshop


Project summary

The primary goal of SELMA is to design urban planning and management strategies to ensure the maintenance of quality of life in European metropolitan areas. The evaluation of these spatial configurations will be based on quality of life, socio-economic and environmental dimensions. Two of the main deliverables will be a policy analysis and decision makers handbook of best practices and a taxonomy of forms of economic land use deconcentration that can be used for ranking and bench-marking in urban planning and management. In order to design and evaluate planning strategies a land use simulation model will developed.

 Czech team

      Doc.RNDr. Ludek Sýkora, Ph.D.,
              RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.,



WP1 case study analysis: word document
WP1 presentation in Madrid: powerpoint presentation
WP2 presentation in Utrecht: powerpoint presentation
WP2 presentation in Madrid: powerpoint presentation 


Official SELMA website:
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development:


The SELMA project is funded under the Key Action City of Tomorrow of the EESD programme of the European Commission

autor: Martin Ouředníček