Opportunities & offers

Open positions

A fully-funded PhD position in the group is available for highly motivated student applicants via the STARS program at the Faculty of Science. The application deadline is March 13, 2023. For more information see this post in the news section.

At the moment, we do not offer any fully-funded PhD / postdoc postions.

General guidelines for interns, MSc / PhD students, and postdocs

Motivated students from abroad are very welcome to join our lab for short internships, PhD studies or postdoctoral fellowships, provided they can arrange their own funding. First check the section above, maybe there are currently open salaried positions in the group for which you could apply. If not, write an email to Martin Čertner (hanzm7an@natur.cuni.cz), describe your motivation and current situation, attach your CV, and we will get back to you.

There are several student mobility programs that may be used to financially cover your stay in our lab. For an internship (MSc / PhD students), you can take advantage of the European Erasmus+ program or maybe your university provides options for funding the international mobility of students. More options are then available for postdoc stays: MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowships, EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships, GAČR Postdoc Individual Fellowship – Incoming, etc. Most of these require the students put together a research proposal for their fellowship. While we will gladly provide feedback during the fellowship proposal preparation, we expect the students to work independently and be primarily responsible for their proposals.

Zájemci o bakalářskou či magisterskou práci

Motivovaní studenti Přírodovědecké fakulty UK, kteří mají zájem o zpracování bakalářské nebo diplomové práce na témata, kterými se ve skupině zabýváme, jsou vždy vítáni! Seznam aktuálně vypsaných témat Bc. a Mgr. prací je k dispozici v SIS. Pokud již máte konkrétní představy o tom, co byste chtěli dělat a nebo si nevyberete z dostupné nabídky, napište mi prosím mail (Martin Čertner, hanzm7an@natur.cuni.cz) a zkusíme společně něco vymyslet.