News page

New student grant project in the group!

Aja is a fresh recipient of a 3-year student grant by the Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK). In her project entitled ‘Coexistence of diploids and polyploids in plant populations: A trigger for reinforcing reproductive isolation or an evolutionary opportunity?’, she will, together with Eliška, address the mechanisms and evolution of reproductive isolation in mixed 2x […]

The course Polyploid Speciation revived

In the winter semester 2023/24, Martin and Dora taught for the first time an updated version of the course Polyploid Speciation, which was attended by 20 MSc. / PhD students and postdocs. The course did not run since 2017 because of the untimely death of its founder and plant flow cytometry expert Prof. Jan Suda. […]

A new PhD position is open

We are currently advertising a fully-funded PhD position in the group via the STARS program of the Faculty of Science, Charles University. We are looking for highly motivated students with a strong interest in evolutionary biology and ability to work independently. If interested, you can apply here, the application deadline is March 13, 2023. Topic: […]

Eliška’s poster awarded at ESEB 2022!

A beautiful and creative poster made by Eliška was awarded 3rd place in the student poster competition at the Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (August 14-19, Prague). The poster, entitled “Origin and evolutionary significance of autotriploids in Butomus umbellatus“, nicely summarised the results Eliška obtained in her Master’s thesis. Congratulations !!!