A new PhD position is open
We are currently advertising a fully-funded PhD position in the group via the STARS program of the Faculty of Science, Charles University. We are looking for highly motivated students with a strong interest in evolutionary biology and ability to work independently. If interested, you can apply here, the application deadline is March 13, 2023.
Topic: Evolution of reproductive isolation in a diploid – polyploid plant system
Brief description: Polyploidization (whole genome duplication) is widely regarded as an important mechanism of sympatric speciation, particularly in plants where it drives reproductive isolation of many crop species from their wild relatives. While often perceived as a strong and instantaneously forming reproductive barrier, empirical data show its strength may vary considerably across plants. In the project, the successful applicant will be assessing rates and evolutionary significance of inter-ploidy introgression across a diploid – tetraploid hybrid zone, looking for genomic signatures of selection and complementing it with multigenerational manipulated crosses that will allow studying separately the contribution of different components to overall reproductive isolation. By using an interdisciplinary approach combining field research, ex situ experiments, and population genomics on a carefully selected non-model species from the Asteraceae family, we will aim at providing new insights into the reproductive isolation of polyploids. The project builds on a detailed knowledge of the plant system and preliminary data gathered during previous research.

The student will become a member of a gradually forming team led by an early-career group leader, will have opportunities to actively interact with other research groups focusing on polyploidy in plants (within the same building), network with collaborating teams abroad, and benefit from a friendly atmosphere at the Department of Botany.
We offer:
- creative and supporting atmosphere in the team
- interdisciplinary training in plant research
- competitive salary on top of a PhD scholarship
- health and social security insurance fully covered
- support for arriving foreign employees (Staff Welcome Centre of the university)
- become part of a diverse community of international STARS PhD students
- work in the vibrant historic centre of Prague
We require:
- strong motivation for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of plant ecology, evolutionary biology and population genomics
- a MSc degree in Biology or related fields (finished by early fall 2023)
- good spoken and written English (communication at the Department is fully in English)
Desirable but not required:
- experience with processing high-throughput sequencing data and/or with bioinformatics
- practice with plant cultivation and manipulated pollinations
- background in population genetics
Please submit your CV, contact details for two referees and a half-page motivation letter via the STARS PhD programme https://stars-natur.cz/. Review of the applications will begin on March 13, 2023 and will continue until the position has been filled. The exact start date is negotiable.