International Society of Protistologists stands with victims of the war in Ukraine

Tomáš Pánek as a member of the ISOP Executive committee fully supports official statement of the Society and its plan to establish a bulletin board on the ISOP website where protistologists affected by disasters and those willing to host scientists can make contact.

Full ISOP statement:

The ISOP states our support for all of our protistology colleagues and their families who are affected by the invasion of Ukraine and we condemn the destruction and loss of life. In the light of the escalation of military conflict in Ukraine and the continuation of conflicts in other parts of the world, as well as the recent release of the IPCC 2022 report indicating an increase in climate disasters, ISOP recognizes the growing need to connect protistologists displaced by disasters. We will establish a bulletin board on the ISOP website where protistologists affected by disasters and those willing to host scientists can make contact. This platform will remain available to any protistologists who are dispossessed and displaced due to natural or man-made disasters as a way for ISOP to continue fostering our field and our community.