ca = function(nospec, specpara, cc,dim,type, iffig, nostep, animation,inifile) { # This function simulates spatially explicit community dynamics in a grid # nospec: number of species (nospec x 4 matrix of data) # specpara: parameters of individual species # imi - immigration rate # ext - extinction rate # long - long distance dispersal # ini - proportion of habitats initially occupied (0 - one individual in the centre) # cc: nospec x nospec matrix of interactions; used to define dominance control. Full founder control has all # off-diagonal elements zero # dim - number of rows of cells (dim^2 is the number of habitats) # type - 1: local, von Neumann, 2: local Moore # iffig - whether to draw a spatial figure # nostep - number of simulation steps # animation - animation step in seconds imi =specpara[,1]; ext=specpara[,2]; long=specpara[,3]; ini=specpara[,4]; for (i in 1:nospec) cc[i,i] = 1 if (iffig) { a<-system("wmic desktopmonitor get screenwidth",intern=T) scrw = as.numeric(a[2]) #scrw=700 } moore = type - 1 if (nospec > 4) { print('Too many species') return(); } testm = cc*t(cc); if (sum(testm) > nospec) { print('Conflicting off-diagonal elements in the interaction matrix') return(); } if (sum(long > 0.05)) { print('Long distance dispersal too high; sequential effects may be important') return() } a = matrix(rep(0,dim^2),nrow=dim); if (!file.exists(as.character(inifile))) { if (prod(ini) == 0) { d3 = as.integer(dim/3)+1; d2 = as.integer(dim/2)+1; if (nospec == 1) { a[d2,d2]=1 } if (nospec == 2) { a[d3,d2]=1; a[2*d3,d2]=2; } if (nospec == 3) { a[d3,d2]=1; a[2*d3,d3]=2; a[2*d3,2*d3]=3; } if (nospec == 4) { a[d3,d3]=1; a[2*d3,d3]=2; a[2*d3,2*d3]=3; a[d3,2*d3]=4; } } else { for (i in 1:dim) { for (j in 1:dim) { a1 = runif(nospec) < ini; if (sum(a1) == 1) a[i,j]=which(a1==1) if (sum(a1) > 1) { x=which(a1==1) s=as.integer(runif(1,max=length(x))) a[i,j]=x[1+s]; } } } } } else { init = read.table("ini.txt",header=T) ll = length(init[,1]) for (i in 1:ll) a[init[i,2]:(init[i,2]+init[i,4]),init[i,3]:(init[i,3]+init[i,5])] = init[i,1] } if (iffig) {,xpos=10,ypos=10,width=5,height=5) plot(NULL,xlim=c(0,nostep+1),ylim=c(0,1), xlab='Time step',ylab='Proportion of cells occupied'),xpos=10+scrw/2,ypos=10,width=5,height=5) } clr=c("blue","green","red","yellow") if (iffig) plotca(a,0,animation,scrw); n1 = NULL; for (t1 in 1:nostep) { nact=NULL; for (s in 1:nospec) { nact = c(nact, sum(a==s) / dim^2); } n1 = rbind(n1, nact) if (t1>1 & iffig) { dev.set(2) for (i in 1:nospec) { lines(c(t1,t1+1),c(n1[t1-1,i],n1[t1,i]),col=clr[i],lwd=2) } } else print(t1) asum = array(0,dim=c(dim,dim,8)) #occupation of new cells by local process asum[,,1] = a[,c(dim,1:(dim-1))] asum[,,2] = a[,c(2:dim,1)] asum[,,3] = a[c(dim,1:(dim-1)),] asum[,,4] = a[c(2:dim,1),] if (moore) { asum[,,5] = a[c(dim,1:(dim-1)),c(dim,1:(dim-1))] asum[,,6] = a[c(dim,1:(dim-1)),c(2:dim,1)] asum[,,7] = a[c(2:dim,1),c(dim,1:(dim-1))] asum[,,8] = a[c(2:dim,1),c(2:dim,1)] } anew = matrix(rep(0,dim^2),nrow=dim) for (i in 1:dim) { for (j in 1:dim) { suma=rep(0,nospec); if (moore) tbl = table(asum[i,j,]) else tbl = table(asum[i,j,1:4]) sp=as.numeric(names(tbl)) qu = as.numeric(tbl) ind = as.numeric(sp[1]==0) #whether there is open space in the neighbourhood for (ij in (1+ind):length(tbl)) { suma[sp[ij]] = qu[ij] } nstemp = length(tbl) - ind if (a[i,j] > 0) { # occupied cell if (nstemp == 1 ) { if (sp[ind+1] != a[i,j]) { if (cc[a[i,j],sp[ind+1]] == 1 ) { if (runif(1) < (1 - (1 - imi[sp[ind+1]])^qu[ind+1]) ) anew[i,j]=sp[ind+1] } else { anew[i,j]=a[i,j] } } else { anew[i,j]=a[i,j] } } if (nstemp > 1) { state=(cc[a[i,j],1:nospec] * (a[i,j] != (1:nospec)) * (1 - (1-imi)^suma)); x=which(state>0) if (length(x)>0) { if (runif(1)<1-prod(1-state)) { d=cumsum(state) / sum(state) r=runif(1); s=min(which(r0)) anew[i,j]=s; } else { anew[i,j]=a[i,j] } } else { anew[i,j]=a[i,j] } } if (nstemp == 0) { anew[i,j]=a[i,j] } } else { # empty cells if (nstemp == 1 ) { if (runif(1) < 1 - (1 - imi[sp[ind+1]]) ^ qu[ind+1]) { anew[i,j]=sp[ind+1]; } } if (nstemp > 1) { state= 1-(1-imi)^suma ; if (runif(1)<1-prod(1-state)) { d=cumsum(state)/sum(state); r=runif(1); s=min(which(r0)); anew[i,j]=s; } else { anew[i,j]=a[i,j]; } } if (nstemp == 0) { anew[i,j]=a[i,j] } } } } a = anew; #mortality and occupation of new cells by long-distance dispersal for (s in 1:nospec) { a = a * (!(matrix(runif(dim^2),nrow=dim) < ext[s] & a == s)) a = a + s * (matrix(runif(dim^2),nrow=dim) < (long[s] * nact[s]) & a == 0); #sequential effects deemed unimportant for low long } if (iffig) plotca(a,t1,animation,scrw); } list(abund=n1,map=a) } plotca = function(a,t1,animation,scrw) { #plotting dev.set(3) title(main=paste(t1-1),col.main="white") image(a,add=T,col=c("white","blue","green","red","yellow"),zlim=c(0,4)) title(main=paste(t1)) axis(1,labels=F) axis(2,labels=F) axis(3,labels=F) axis(4,labels=F) if (animation) Sys.sleep(0.3) }