may = function(startr,endr,stepr, k, noise, n0, nostep,singleplot,animation) { # animated plotting of a time series of the May's equation (if singleplot>0) # plus the final plot of N against r (bifurcation plot) #startr,endr,stepr - minimum, maximum growth rate and difference between adjacent values #k - carrying capacity #n0 - initial population size #nostep - number of steps for simulation # singleplot == 0: no plot except the bifurcation diagram # singleplot == 1: N against time # singleplot == 2: state space # animation - whether to animate startstep =min(50,nostep-1) if (startr >= endr | stepr<=0) return("Error"); dots=NULL for (r in seq(startr,endr, by=stepr)) { a=maysingle(r,k,noise,n0,nostep); dots=cbind(dots, a[startstep:nostep]) if (singleplot==1) { plot(1:(nostep+1),a, xlim=c(1,nostep+1), ylim=c(0, k*3/2), type="l",lwd=2,col="blue",main=paste("R value:",r), xlab="Step", ylab="Population size"); Sys.sleep(animation); } if (singleplot==2) { parabolasingle(r,k,noise,n0,nostep,endr); Sys.sleep(animation); } } matplot(seq(startr,endr, by=stepr),t(dots),type="p",pch=20,col="black",xlab="R value",ylab="Final population sizes") }