neutral = function(maxspec,nocom,maxind,dist,growthfr,pointrate,type_dist_ini,par_dist_ini,pool_ini, nostep, iffig, animation) { # This function simulates neutral community dynamics and speciation #Output (returns these five variables): # outddend: vector of abundance distribution at the end of simulation # outspec: vector with time course of species richness of the metacommunity # outdd: nostep x maxspec matrix with abundance distributions throughout the simulation # outfreq: nostep x maxspec matrix with species frequencies in communities throughout the simulation # outsimp: vector with time course of Simpson index of the metacommunity # maxspec - technical limit (slows down calculation) # nocom - number of communities # maxind - size of the community # dist - mortality rate per step # growthfr - proportion of individuals replaced by growth of species present in the community # (migration is 1 - growthfr) # pointrate - point mutation rate (per individual and step) #initialization # type_dist_ini - abundance distribution for initialization # 1 geometrical, 2 lognormal, 3 Tokeshi power fraction, 4 random (broken stick) # par_dist_ini - parameter of the abundance distribution (for geometric and lognormal) # pool_ini - number of species in the initial species pool # nostep - number of steps #iffig - whether to draw figure #animation - animation in seconds Simpson_multiplier = 5 noind=matrix(rep(0,nocom*maxspec),nrow=nocom) #communities are rows, species are columns names=matrix(rep(0,nocom*maxspec),nrow=nocom) for (i in 1:nocom) { xx= comm(maxind,type_dist_ini,par_dist_ini,pool_ini,0 ); noind[i,1:length(xx)] = xx names[i,1:length(xx)] = 1:length(xx) } outdd=NULL; outspec=NULL; outfreq=NULL; outsimp=NULL; # initial statistics totspec=sum(colSums(noind) > 0) outspec = c(outspec,totspec) #total number of species outdd=rbind(outdd,sort(colSums(noind),decreasing=T)) #abundance distribution outfreq=rbind(outfreq,colSums(noind>0)) #species frequencies outsimp=rbind(outsimp,simpson(colSums(noind))) #Simpson if (iffig) { a<-system("wmic desktopmonitor get screenwidth",intern=T) scrw = as.numeric(a[2]),xpos=10,ypos=10,width=5,height=5) plot(NULL,xlim=c(0,nostep),ylim=c(0,maxspec), xlab='Time step',ylab="Diversity") legend("topleft",lwd=2,col=c("blue","green"),lty=1,legend=c("Number of species", paste("Simpson diversity *",as.character(Simpson_multiplier)))),xpos=10++scrw/2,ypos=10,width=5,height=5) } for (istep in 1:nostep) { print(istep) # mortality for (i in 1:nocom) { for (s in 1:maxspec) { noind[i,s] = rbinom(1,noind[i,s], 1-dist); } } names = names * (noind>0); if (nocom == 1) sumind = sum(noind) else sumind = rowSums(noind) togrow = ceiling((maxind-sumind) * growthfr) tomigrate = maxind-sumind-togrow migrants=NULL for (s in 1:maxspec) migrants[s]= sum((names==s) * noind) # local growth for (i in 1:nocom) { if (sumind[i]) { d=rmultinom(1,size=togrow[i],prob=noind[i,]) noind[i,] = noind[i,] + d } else { tomigrate[i] = maxind } } # migration within the metacommunity if (sum(migrants) > 0) { for (i in 1:nocom) { d=rmultinom(1,size=tomigrate[i],prob=migrants) noind[i,] = noind[i,] + d names[i,] = ifelse(noind[i,] == 0 & d > 0, 1:maxspec,names[i,]) } } # speciation if (nocom > 1) used = as.numeric(colSums(noind) > 0) else used = as.numeric(noind > 0) totspec=sum(used) if ((pointrate > 0 ) & totspec >= maxspec) { print("Maximum community size attained, no speciation possible") return() } if (pointrate > 0) { for (i in 1:nocom) { for (s in 1:maxspec) { events = rbinom(1,noind[i,s],pointrate) #print(c(i,s,noind[i,s],events)) if (events) { noind[i,s] = noind[i,s] - events if (noind[i,s] == 0) names[i,s] = 0 for (j in 1:events) { if (sum(used) == maxspec) { print("Maximum community size attained, no speciation possible1") return() } index=which(used==0) noind[i,index[1]] = 1; names[i,index[1]] = index[1]; used[index[1]] = 1; #print(c("Speciation event1",events,index[1])) } } } } } # statistics totspec=sum(colSums(noind) > 0) outspec = c(outspec,totspec) #total number of species outdd=rbind(outdd,sort(colSums(noind),decreasing=T)) #abundance distribution outfreq=rbind(outfreq,colSums(noind>0)) #species frequencies outsimp=rbind(outsimp,simpson(colSums(noind))) #Simpson #plotting if (iffig) { dev.set(2) lines(c(istep,istep+1),outspec[istep:(istep+1)], lwd=2,col="blue",lty=1) lines(c(istep,istep+1),outsimp[istep:(istep+1)] * Simpson_multiplier, lwd=2,col="green",lty=1) dev.set(3) barplot(t(noind),col=rainbow(maxspec),main=paste(istep)) Sys.sleep(animation) } } outddend = sort(colSums(noind),decreasing=T) list(outddend=outddend,outspec=outspec,outdd=outdd,outfreq=outfreq,outsimp=outsimp) } simpson = function(x) { 1/sum((x / sum(x))^2) }