Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology

Assoc. Prof. Jakub Langhammer

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Jakub Langhammer

Vice Dean of Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
Graduated at Charles University in Prague in Physical Geography (1993), studied at Univesite de Paris 1 – Sorbonne (1991), University of Amsterdam (1993). PhD Thesis on Mathematical Modelling of Water Quality at Charles University in Prague (1999). Certificate in Professional Management at Open University Business School (2005).
Associated professor in Physical Geography at Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (2010) - Geoinformatic analysis and modelling the risk processes in hydrology.

Since 1994 member of the department and since 2000 scientific secretary of the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science. 
Since 2004 coordinator of Expert Team Jr. formulating the Vision of future development of the Faculty of Science. 
Award of Faculty of Science for excellent results in research management and in pedagogical activities (2004).
Since 2010 Vice Dean of Faculty of Science, Charles University, responsible for Geographical Institutes and IT development.

Research oriented in analysis and modelling of hydrological processess, historical and current changes of river networks and riverbeds, water quality assessment and modeling and application of GIS and remote sensing in physical geography. Applied research on modelling the water quality changes in large rivers and evironmental risk assessment.

Lectures on Application of Geoinformatics in Physical Geography, Surface Water Quality, Seminar on Hydrology and participating in Seminar on Physical Geography. Leading pregraduate and PhD Students oriented in hydrology, water quality, remote sensing and modelling in physical geography. 

Leading of research projects :  "Long-term changes of river ecosystems in floodplains affected by extreme floods" (Ministry of Environment of the Czech Rep., VaV-SM/2/57/05 , 2005-08).“Assessment of environemtal changes impact on flood extent“ (GAČR 205/03/Z046, 2003-2004); „Modelling the nonpoint pollution sources under conditions of global change“ (COST Action 634, 2004-07, EU coordinator A-V. Auzet, ULP, Strasbourg, France), „Soil erosion and global change“ (COST Action 623, 2002-03 EU coordinator J. Boardman, Oxford, U.K.), “Modelling the nonpoint pollution sources” (GAČR 205/00/P052, 2000-03), Evaluation of specific pollution load in Berounka river basin (GAUK 211/2001 B GEO, 2001-04). Cooperating in number of  research projects, i.e. Research Plan “The Geographic Structure and the Development of the Interactions Between the Environment and the Society” (MSM 113100007, 1998-2004, head P. Dostál), Center for Earth Dynamics Research - Experimental research of dynamics of the Earth and Earth' surface (LN00A005, 2000-04, head J. Kostelecký, VÚGTK). 

Recent publications

  • Langhammer, J., Hartvich F., Mattas D., Rödlová S. and Zbořil A., 2012. The variability of surface water quality indicators in relation to watercourse typology, Czech Republic, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 184:3983–3999 IF = 1.436
  • Váňová V. and Langhammer, J. 2011. Modelling the impact of land cover changes on flood mitigation in the upper lužnice basin, Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 59, 262-74. IF = 0,533
  • Langhammer, J. 2010. Analysis of the relationship between stream regulations and the geomorphologic effects of floods. Natural Hazards,54 (1), 121-139, IF = 1,217
  • Hais, M., Jonášová, M., Langhammer, J., Kučera, T., 2009. Comparison of two types of  forest disturbance using mutitemporal Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery and field vegetation data. Remote sensing of Environment, Elsevier. 113(4), 835-845. IF = 3,013
  • Langhammer, J. 2009. Applicability of hydromorphological monitoring data to locate flood risk reduction measures: Blanice River basin, Czech Republic. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Springer. 152(1-4), 379-392.  IF = 0,885
  • Langhammer, J. , 2009. Water quality changes in the Elbe River Basin, Czech Republic, in the context of the post-socialist economic transition. GeoJournal. 10.1007/s10708-009-9292-7
  • Langhammer, J. and Kliment, Z., 2009. Water quality changes in selected rural catchments in the Czech Republic. Ekologia. 28(3) 296-316. DOI:10.4149/ekol_2009_03_296
  • Bičík, I., Langhammer, J., Štych, P., Kupková, L. , 2009. Long-Term Landuse Changes in the Czech Republic as a Flood Risk Influencing Factor. Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geographica, 45 (1-2), (in print).
  • Hais, M., Langhammer, J., Jirsová, P., Dvořák, L., 2009. Deforestation Development Dynamics in Central Part of the Šumava Mountains between 1985 and 2007 Based on Landsat TM/ETM+ Satellite Data. Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geographica, 45 (1-2), (in print).
  • Kliment, Z., Kadlec, J. and Langhammer, J., 2008. Modelling of suspended sediment transport as a result of present land use changes: Case study of Blšanka river catchment area. . Catena, Elsevier. 73 (3) 286–299.   IF = 1,285
  • Langhammer, J. and Vilímek, V., 2008. Landscape changes as a factor affecting the course and consequences of extreme floods in the Otava river basin, Czech Republic, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 144 (1 3): 53-66.  IF = 0,885
  • Langhammer, J., Sitař, J., 2008. Modelling the impact of stream modifications on the course of extreme floods. Case study: Blanice river, flood in August 2002. Geografie - Sborník ČGS 113(3), 124-136.
Complete list of publications



Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Science
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology

Albertov 6, Praha 2, 128 43
Czech Republic
tel.: 221 951 415
fax: 221 951 367

Last update 20.9.2010