Assoc. Prof. Jakub Langhammer

Theses and students

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Ongoing theses works Completed theses

Current theses

PhD theses

Su Ye, MSc.
Effect of forest disturbance of runoff dynamics

Mgr. Věra Váňová
Modelling the effect of landuse change on peak flows

Mgr. Jana Kaiglová
Modelling the pollution load and water quality changes

Ing. Vladimír Fárek
Modelling the surface runoff in extreme relief

Ing. Jan Šrejber
Application of artificial neural networks in hydrological forecasting

Ing. Radek Vlnas
Hydrometeorological balance modelling


Completed theses

PhD theses

Mgr. et Mgr. Sylva Rödlová
Water quality changes in small catchmens related to operation of wastewater treatment facilitiy

Mgr. Michal Jeníček, 2009
Application of rainfall-runoff models in integrated flood protection

Mgr. Petra Hesslerová, 2008
Assessment of landscape functions using Landsat data

Mgr. Martin Hais, 2007
Development and spectral indices of deforestation of central Sumava mts. assessed by GIS and Remote Sensing

Mgr. Lenka Volaufová, 2007
Specific pollution of surface water and sediments in industrial regions.

Mgr. Jan Daňhelka, 2005
Sesnsitivity of rainfall-runoff models to the input data character.

Mgr. Lenka Volaufová, 2007
Specific pollution of surface water and sediment in industrial region.

Master theses

Šářka Douděrová, 2012
Impact of stream and floodplain modifications on the flood consequences in the Stropnice river basin

Kristýna Bartůňková, 2011
Impact of forest disturbance on runoff dynmics in Central Sumava mts.

Zuzana Rettichová, 2010
Impact of stream and floodplain modifications on the flood consequences in Volyňka river basin

Jana Kaiglová, 2010
Analysis and modelling of water quality changes in Olšava river basin

Zuzana Rettichová, 2010
Impact of stream and floodplain modification on flood consequences - case study of Volyňka river basin

Věra Váňová, 2009
Rainfall-runoff modelling of landuse changes effect on floods

Jan Sitař, 2007
Hydrodynamic modelling of stream modifications effect on flood course in Blanice river basin

Dagmar Uchytilová, 2007
Stream modification and flood protection in the upper Svratka river basin

Jakub Kvášovský
Specific pollution of surface water and sediment in Loděnice river basin.

Karolína Macháčková
Evalutation of landcover changes in Prague region.

Michal Jeníček, 2005
Application of NASIM rainfall-runoff model in modelling flood situations. 

Zdeněk Portych, 2005
Analysis of water quality in the Úpa river.

Václav Vajskebr, 2005
Historical changes of river network in Otava river basin.

Lenka Volaufová, 2004
Specific pollution of surface water and sediment in Klabava river basin.

Markéta Kaplická, 2004
Specific pollution of surface water and sediment in Střela river basin.

Alexandra Králová, 2003
Detection of landcover changes in Sokolovsko brown coal basin using remote sensing.

Petr Kaiml, 2000
Water quality in Litavka river basin

Jiří Zahradník, 1999
Evaluation of non-point pollution sources in Střela river basin.

Bachelor thesis

Dagmar Uchytilová, 2007
Impact of water reservoir in flood protection of the landscape.

Jana Kaiglová, 2007
Water quality changes in Olšava river basin

Alice Taufmannová, 2007
Impact of stream modifications on flood course in Litavka river basin

Šimon Zeman, 2006
Historical changes of river network in upper Opava river basin

Jana Šmídová, 2006
Analysis of flood situations in Opava river basin

Václav Královec, 2006
Analysis of rainfall-runoff relation in Opava river basin

Radek Matyšek, 2004
Evalutation of landcover changes in Otava river basin using remote sensing.

Monika Mrozková, 2003
Differences in snow deposition and melting in forest and bare areas.

Sabina Eckertová, 2003
Geographical conditions and groundwater runoff assessment in Litavka river basin.

Karolína Macháčková, 2003
Landcover changes detection using remote sensing.

Alexandra Králová, 2002
Detection of landcover changes in Sokolovsko brown coal basin using remote sensing.

Václav Vajskebr, 2002
Water quality of Lužická nisa river basin.

Markéta Kaplická, 2002
Geographical conditions of Střela river basin.

Zdeněk Portych, 2001
Geographical conditions and water quality in Želivka river basin.

Lenka Volaufová, 2001
Geographical conditions of Klabava river basin.

Jakub Kvášovský, 2000
Surface water quality in Loděnice river basin.

Petr Kaiml, 1997
Geographical conditions and morphometry of Zbirožský brook catchment.

Kamil Krejčí, 1996
Role of ponds in landscape in Třeboňsko region.

Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Science
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology

Albertov 6, Praha 2, 128 43
Czech Republic
tel.: 221 951 364
fax: 221 951 367

Last update 1.9.2010