Aneta Škarková

I am interested in cancer invasion plasticity and mechanisms of transitions among individual migration phenotypes. Mostly I perform 3D cell culture experiments, live cell imaging and protein and gene expression analysis. My current project focuses on the role of NAV3, a microtubule binding protein, in glioblastoma invasion phenotypes. 


Faculty of Science, Charles University

Thesis: The analysis of cancer invasion plasticity in a 3D environment.

Download here

Faculty of Science, Charles University
Master degree

Thesis: The plasticity of melanoma cell invasiveness. Download here

Faculty of Science, Charles University
Bachelor degree

Thesis: The role of cell polarity signaling in the plasticity of cancer cell invasiveness. Download here

Institut Pasteur, Paris
Erasmus+ Internship
Research focus
amoeboid invasion, inflammation induced migration, 3D culture models, TME, NAV3
Personal Info
Enjoys any outdoor adventures and family time.