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Submitted by komanek on

For a very long time I am used to think about a few things, which are well known in the scientific communities, many of them were proved long time ago, but are contradicting the obviousness or are at least non-intuitive. What is obvious or intuitive seems to be very subjective. So this is my point of view and I would be pleased if there are other people having similar tastes.

The following list is never complete. In the first days or weeks, there will be only a few things, but it should grow, so please, return occasionally to my WebLand. The order of things here will be chronological (top-down design), so new things come up to the bottom of the llist.

1. Every single electron is prevading the whole universe

To be more precise: anything ofthe size of any quantum object as far as it is subject to uncertainty priciple. The probability wave has no restriction at space or time and because the position can't be mesured with an infinite precision, there is always a chance to have the particle dislocated anywhere (and also anytime ?) Depending on the observer, the energy of the particle is more or less condensed to the form of a small particle, but it's still only probability-related statement. The probability of catching the partcicle elsewhere is never zero. In the case we try to determine the movement of the particle with the highest accuracy possible, the particle should be nearly uniformly distributed across the entire universe.

2. Radioactive decay follows the exponential rule

Which can mean two different things, at least for spontaneous type of decay:

1. Although the decay event should have reasons in the changes of an internal structure of the decaying atom core, these changes have no real history. It means regardless the obdervation time interval and length of the previous non-decaying state of the particular atom, the propability of decaying is constant. It does not decrease or increase in time as a consequence of growing time period of stability. In fact, the physics about decaying has no meaning for time to be coupled to individual atoms. It works only for a big set of atoms of the same kind on the statistical level.

2. An atom is somehow aware of its siblings and depending on the lowering number of undecayed atom in its set, the probability of an event of decay decreases. The problem of this explanation is the interactikon with the observer, but somehow it is tempted to be on this list.

3. Why is the Universe not rorating?


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