Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica is a scholarly academic journal that focuses on actual results of research at wide field of geographical sciences: physical geography and geo-ecology, regional, social, political and economic geography and regional development, cartography and geo-information, demography and geo-demography. The journal disseminates results and studies in a wide range of geographical disciplines - social, regional and political geography, physical geography, demography, cartography, GIS or remote sensing.
Periodical twice yearly, print run 500 copies, average 180 pages.
The Journal is published by Karolinum, The Charles University Press.
Peer review procedure of the Journal is organised by its editorial board. Papers are refereed by experts in the subject (at least one external reviewer). Papers should not normally exceed 6500 words, including references, tables and figures, and must usually be written in English (French, German or Spanish can also be accepted). A short abstract (about 250 words), in English, should immediately precede the introduction. The introduction should clearly indicate the character of the problem to be considered and positioned in relation to relevant scientific literature references and, if possible, the practical relevance of research outcomes should be noted.
All submissions must be made online to facilitate rapid accessibility of paper to the peer reviewers. Contributions will only be considered on the understanding that they are not under review for another publication at the same time. The editorial review procedure is anonymous. The editors reserve the right to ensure the anonymity of the paper content and eliminate any information facilitating identifications of authors before submitting the paper to the review procedure.