Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology

Assoc. Prof. Jakub Langhammer, Ph.D.

české stránky   /   english pages


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New publications

Kaiglová, J., & Langhammer, J. (2014). Analysis of efficiency of pollution reduction measures in rural basin using MIKE Basin model. Case study: Olšava River Basin.
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 62(1), 43-54.

Langhammer, J., & Rödlová, S. (2013). Changes in water quality in agricultural catchments after deployment of wastewater treatment plant.
Environmental monitoring and assessment, 185(12), 10377-10393.

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Personal Research Lectures Thesis leading  Publications
Professional profile
  • Research topics
  • Grant projects
  • Applied research
  • Geoinformatics
  • Applications of Geoinformatics in Physical Geography
  • Hydrology
  • Surface Water Quality
  • Current thesis works
  • Completed thesis works
  • On-line publications
  • Artricles
  • Reports
  • Posters

  •   Recent publications

    Langhammer, J., Hartvich, F., Mattas, D, Rödlová, S. and Zbořil, A. (2012). "The variability of surface water quality indicators in relation to watercourse typology, Czech Republic."
    Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, (184) 3983-3999

    Váňová, V. and J. Langhammer, 2011. Modelling the impact of land cover changes on flood mitigation in the upper lužnice basin.
    Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 59(4): 262-274

    Langhammer, J., 2010. Analysis of the relationship between the stream regulations and the geomorphologic effects of floods.
    Natural Hazards,54 (1), 121-139

    Langhammer, J., 2009. Water quality changes in the Elbe River basin, Czech Republic, in the context of the post-socialist economic transition
    GeoJournal 75(2), 185-198.

    Hais, M., Jonášová, M., Langhammer, J., Kučera, T., 2009. Comparison of two types of  forest disturbance using mutitemporal Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery and field vegetation data 
    Remote sensing of Environment, 113(4), 835-845

    Langhammer, J., 2009. Applicability of hydromorphological monitoring data to locate flood risk reduction measures: Blanice River basin, Czech Republic.
    Enivornmental Monitoring and Assessment, 152 (1-4), 379-392

    Charles University in Prague
    Faculty of Science
    Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology

    Albertov 6, Prague 2, 128 43
    Czech Republic
    tel.: 221 951 415
    fax: 221 951 367

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