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Conference news

  • 24.7.2024: Registration is closed. We are proud to announce that 45 speakers will participate in the conference.

  • 31.5.2024: We have already 36 registered participants. So, don't wait to register!

  • 3.3.2024: The organizers regret, but the capacity of free accommodation is already exhausted. Participants of the conference have to arrange their own accommodation.
  • 2.3.2024: We have already 20 registered participants.

Invitation to the 20th ISC ‘Modern Analytical Chemistry’

The Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University is pleased to invite cordially Ph.D. students of analytical chemistry – and, of course, those undergraduate students of analytical chemistry who are interested in – to the 20th International Students Conference ‘Modern Analytical Chemistry’. The conference will be held 19–20 September, 2024, at the Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University.

The traditional annual international student conference ‘Modern Analytical Chemistry’ is organized for Ph.D. students of analytical chemistry. The goal of the event is to give young scientists an opportunity to present the results of their research in various areas of analytical chemistry, improve their presentation skills, provide the floor for discussion and exchange of experiences, and master the English language of the participants. The official language of the conference is, therefore, English. The two-day program will consist of oral communication by young scientists in different research fields of analytical chemistry.

We believe that our conference will attract your attention, that the conference will be a successful event, so we would be very happy to welcome you here.

On behalf of the organizers, Dr. Karel Nesměrák.

The organizers gratefully acknowledge the generous sponsorship of the following companies:


The conference is organized in cooperation with the DAC EuChemS and the Working Group of the Analytical Chemistry of the Czech Chemical Society:


Updated: 24th July 2024