Prof. RNDr. Jan Kotek, Ph.D.
Born 7/25/1976 in Litoměřice
Charles University
Faculty of Science
Department of Inorganic Chemistry
Hlavova 2030, 128 43 Prague 2
tel.: +420 22195 1436
Charles University in Prague, Inorganic chemistry: Mgr. 1999, RNDr. 2002, Ph.D. 2004, Doc. 2009, Prof. 2021
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Charles University in Prague
- Technical University Delft, The Netherlands: 2001 – 2002 (1 year) guidance of Prof. J. A. Peters
- University of Debrecen, Hungary: 2003 (3 weeks) guidance of Prof. E. Brücher
- Catholique University Leuven, Belgium: 2004–2005 (1 year) guidance of Prof. K. Binnemans
- main field: inorganic chemistry – coordination chemistry
- other fields: synthesis of organophosphorus compounds; spectroskopy; potenciometry
- current research interest: coordination chemistry of macrocycles and aminophosphonic / aminophosphinic acids
- Inorganic chemistry I (a) – Moodle
- Basic laboratory training – Moodle
- Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry – Moodle
- Electronic Spectroscopy and Magnetochemistry of Inorganic Compounds
- Introduction to methods of study of chemical compounds
List of lectures on SIS and on MOODLE
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