Our team

Mgr. Kateřina Kopalová, Ph.D.


Tyler J. Kohler, Ph.D.


Mgr. Jan Kollár, Ph.D.


Mgr. Eva Hejduková, Ph.D.


Mgr. Hristina Kochoska

PhD student

MSc. Pablo Cannestraci

PhD student

MSc. Raquel Viso

PhD student

Mgr. Kristýna Vrbická

PhD student

Bc. Tereza Vošická

Ms student

Bc. František Severa

Ms student

Bc. Petra Kociánová

Ms student

Bc. Adam Faško

Ms student

Aleksandra Zimnoch

Ms student

Lukrécia Zemanová

Bc student

DiCE Lab Alumni

Tereza Vošická, Mgr. 2025: Glacier’s legacy: Exploring the impact of glacier retreat on Alpine diatom communities

Julie Komárková, Bc. 2024: Food webs of glacier-fed streams

Adriana Slezáková (ČZU), Bc. 2024: Diatoms and their interaction with viruses, bacteria, and fungi

Petra Kociánová, Bc. 2023: Role of microbes in the decomposition in headwater streams

František Severa, Bc. 2023: Diatoms as bioindicators for tracking freshwater salinization

Jordan M. Bishop, Ph.D. 2020: Ecology and taxonomy of limno-terrestrial diatoms from East Antarctica

Marie Bulínová, Mgr. 2019: A comparison between paleo and recent freshwater diatom communities from Vega Island, Antarctica

Lucie Hanišová, Bc. 2016: Biogeography and habitat preferences for genus Luticola

Petra (Vinšová) Klímová, Bc. 2014: Biogeographical position of the Tristan da Cunha archipelago based on floristic records; Mgr. 2016: Taxonomy, diversity and ecology of freshwater diatom communities (Bacillariophyta) from moss habitats of Gough Island (southern Atlantic Ocean)

DiCE interns

Nivedita Shankar (India), 2024

Lisa Enns (Germany), 2023