Internet sources
WWW resources for Urban Social Geography
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List of usefull sources related to urban social geography accessible online.
Note: if you cite Internet-based material in your written work, it is important to cite the specific URL (Uniform Resource Locator – usually known as the address) and the date on which the material was accessed.
Geographical websites
The Association of American Geographers website has many useful hyperlinks, including a link to the Speciality Group on Urban Geography.
The website for the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers. It provides urban-related hyperlinks.
The National Geographic Society website contains information relating to cities.
Images of various cities
The following electronic photo galleries provide images of cities:
Chapter- related websites
Note: although listed in order of relevance to the chapters in Urban Social Geography (Knox, Pinch 2006, 5th ed), the following websites usually contain material that is related to more than one chapter.
Social geography and the sociospatial dialectics
The website of the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech. It provides information on their research projects and linking with numerous urban planning issues.
The Urban Institute is a multi-disciplinary research institute established by President Johnson in 1968. It deals with a wide range of planning and urban issues in the US.
Another non-profit research and educational institute linking with many urban issues in US cities.
The website for the Centre for Urban Policy Research at Rutgers University.
The website of the US Conference of Mayors has many reports on a wide range of urban issues.
The website of the Planning and Development Network dealing with a wide range of US planning issues.
Contains a useful search engine to unearth urban issues from the Economist magazine. You need to subscribe to get the full content but a student subscription is good value.
The website of the Population Reference Bureau contains data relating to urban trends.
The website of the Brookings Institution provides information on urban and regional issues as well as numerous other areas of policy.
An online edition of New Urban News.
The US Planning Commissioner's Journal website.
The changing economic context of city life
Useful for those wanting to find out more about Karl Marx and his work.
More on Karl Marx.
The Global Urban Research Unit at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne has a website dealing with many urban issues.
An Emory University website with information on globalization.
A Polity Press website providing links on globalization.
Useful links on global issues.
The Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Study Group and Network based at the University of Loughborough provides information on world cities.
The website for the International Labour Organization provides useful information related to work issues.
The website for the Institute of Economic Affairs contains information related to many of the issues considered in Chapter 2.,2688,en_2649_33757_1_1_1_1_1,00.html
The OECD's website on the information economy.
Useful background material on one of the UK's leading 'creative industries'.
The cultures of cities
Website on theory related to cultural studies.
A website listing modern cultures, especially those centred around consumption, including film, street fashion, sports and computing.
The UK government's Department for Culture, Media and Sport has a website listing its activities in many spheres.
Contains many useful links to material on Michel Foucault.
The website of the town of Celebration near Orlando, Florida. An example of 'imagineering'.
Provides links to information on major religions
Patterns of sociospatial differentiation
Links to UNESCO's Organisation of World Heritage Cities, which was established in 1993 to foster co-operation and information exchange amongst cities facing similar problems throughout the world.
The website for the US Census Bureau. See also this website and – the system for analysing small area data for cities (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing – TIGER).
Maps of urban areas in the US.
Urban maps can be obtained through Columbia University's Centre for International Science Information Network (CIESIN), Socioeconomic Data and Applications Centre (SEDAC).
The central portal for UK government statistics. From here you can navigate to the relevant field of interest. See also – the system for analysing small area data for cities.
Links to Qualidata, the University of Essex archive for qualitative data.
The UK's Department of Health has much data relating to health and inequality.
The Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London has a website with much information on GIS and virtual models of cities.
Information on individual cities can be found on this website.
Maps of urban poverty in US cities can be generated from this website.
Spatial and institutional fremeworks: citizens, the state and civil society
Another guide to social movements and more.
The website for the National League of Cities in the US contains information on policies that affect cities.
The website for the US Metropolitan Council.
The UK's Local Government Association.
The UK's Local Government Information Unit.
The UK's New Local Government Network.
The UK's Electoral Commission, for issues connected to voting.
Although disbanded in 1998, the website of the LDDC (London Docklands Development Corporation) contains much useful information.
An example of a US local government using the power of the web to make avialble large amounts of data
Structures of building provision and the social production of urban environment
The website for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) contains many publications on housing issues.
The website for the Urban Land Institute (ULI) contains research on real estate development in US cities.
The social dimension of modern urbanism
The website for the Lewis Mumford Center at the University at Albany contains publications and reports on diverse urban issues.
Segregation and congregation
The website for the UK's Institute of Race Relations provides much information on race issues.
The Runnymede Trust is an NGO focussing on ethnic issues.
Minority Rights Group International is another NGO focussing on the rights of ethnic groups.
A website listing many aspects of Asian culture in the UK.
The European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations examines international migration and social exclusion issues.
Information on Islam.
More information on Islam.
A guide to Jewish teachings.
Information on Hinduism.
The website for the Vatican. Contains information on Roman Catholicism.
Neighbourhood, community and the social construction of place
This website contains information on key thinkers in the social sciences.
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is the largest US community organization, representing low and moderate income families in 45 US cities.
The UK's Economic and Social Research Council has a Centre for Neighbourhood Research, which aims to advance the theoretical and empirical understanding of neighbourhoods.
Environment and behaviour in urban settings
A University of Cambridge webpage with numerous links on criminology.
This website for the US Department of Justice's National Institute of Corrections also contains links and information on criminology.
A source of data on international crime.
Some notable crime mapping sites:
Bodies, sexuality and the city
Contains links to information relating to many gay issues.
A University of Kansas website linking courses in the US and Canada on gay and lesbian issues.
A website with information on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Residental mobility and neighbourhood change
Refer to the websites for chapters 1 and 4.
Urban change and conflict
The website for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation provides useful information relating to poverty. .
The Social Exclusion Unit of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
The UK's Low Pay Commission.
A guide to social policy issues.
Information on AIDS.
A United Nations (UN) website with many hyperlinks to environmental issues connected to cities.
The Sustainable Communities Network in the US has a website with numerous reports and urban case studies.
The UN-Habitat Sustainable Cities Programme fosters information exchange on issues related to sustainable city development throughout the world.
Friends of the Earth – a major environmentalist group.
Greenpeace – another major environmentalist group.
A website spreading information on the best ways of solving urban problems.
Whither urban social geography?: recent developments
The Virtual Cities Directory is a collection of three-dimensional representations of cities around the world.
This website provides links to major websites on world films.
The website for the US Department of Homeland Security, established after 9/11.