About us

Urban and Regional Laboratory (URRlab) is a research group associating social geographers affiliated with the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development in the Faculty of Science of Charles University, Prague. URRlab consists of an associate professor, assistant professors, researchers, PhD and master students. Our principal aim is to share and discuss research themes linked to theoretical and practical issues of cities, settlement systems, regional development and related fields. URRlab also serves as an incubator for PhD students and a place of practice for undergraduate students.    


We are investigators of many projects that deal with current trends in metropolitan regions and cities, social spatial differentiation and other topics. We publish in professional Czech and international journals and popular educational periodicals and are also authors and co-authors of a number of books and book chapters. We deliver lectures on the topics of urban geography and the methods of socio-geographic research.


The main research areas

We offer our expertise within a diverse range of broadly defined issues related to urban and regional development. We have long-term experience with conducting regional and territorial analyses, situation analyses, and preparing strategic documents at various scales (from individual cities and rural areas to macro-regional level). We have worked on projects commissioned by public administration, research institutions and private entities.


We specialize in the following areas:


  • Theoretical approaches in social geography
  • Urban studies, geography and urban sociology
  • Settlement system development, urbanization and suburbanization
  • Regional policy, territorial aspects of public policies
  • Social, economic and physical environment
  • Inequalities and socio-spatial structure



  • Unemployment, poverty, crime, social deprivation
  • Migration and daily mobility
  • Time geography
  • Methods of socio-geographic research
  • Research of Prague and the Prague Metropolitan Region




If you decide to visit us, we will be pleased to welcome you in our office in Albertov or Legerova street:

Albertov 6

room number 365

Praha 2 

tel. 221 951 378

Legerova 1878/5

room number 325 (URRlab)

Praha 2 

tel. 221 951 970


Contact person:

Nina Dvořáková
Telefon: 221 951 972 

Postal address:

Albertov 6
128 43 Praha 2