

New URRlab member

Greta Kukeli holds the title of Master of Science (Msc.) in Urban Planning and City Management. In her master thesis (2017), she focused on post-socialist urban transformations, specifically the urban shrinkage phenomenon taking place in Albanian cities. The thesis’ title was “Planning for Shrinking Cities- A policy guideline for the management of the shrinking process of the Albanian cities and the preparation of the municipalities to plan for shrinking situations”. The study included 54 Albanian cities, the creation of a specific methodology for measuring shrinkage, specifying its typologies in the country’s context, and providing guidelines for the creation of addressing policies. After her graduation, Greta worked for a year as an urban planner in Tirana, contributing in 2 General Local Plans, 5 Detailed Local Plans and 1 Detailed Local Plan of a National Importance Area.

Since October 2018, she is part of the URRlab team, working on the Ph.D. project “Contemporary changes on the social-milieu within the post-socialist suburbs” and participates also in a Czech Science Foundation project dealing with changes of social milieu in post-socialist suburbs. Her main research interests include urban and regional studies, post-socialist transformation of planning systems and territory, urban policies, neighbourhood qualities and development, urban shrinkage and informal settlement development.