Discussion seminar on Contemporary Urban Studies
The discussion seminar on Contemporary Urban Studies (CUS) is a complementary course to the mandatory urban study courses taught at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development. The goal of DS is to cover and discuss topics which are not the main focus of conventional urban studies, but that represent new rising challenges for urban areas.
CUS focuses on the exploration of the phenomena and processes in contemporary cities as well as analyzing and explaining them in their local context and in relationship with different urban actors. Beyond the identification of these elements, the aim of the DS also includes: the deconstruction and understanding of their characteristics, effects and context; to explain the origin (etymology, semantics, historical) and dynamics of these challenges; and (re)consider both the advantages and disadvantages in a wider context.
The main objective of the DS is to promote critical thinking in students and introduce them to a wider spectre of urban issues through alternative methods of teaching.
CUS is an interdisciplinary discussion seminar combining geography, urban governance, sociology, urban planning and economy.
Guarantor: Doc. RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.
Teachers: Adela Petrovic, MA & M.Sc.
Greta Kukeli, M.Sc.
Practical info
Summer term
Wednesdays from 10:40 am to 12:15 pm
Language of instruction: English
Adaptable for: primarily but not exclusively for bachelor and master students
SIS code: MZ340V13
Moodle page: https://dl2.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=3895