Flexibility and Localization of Work in Prague Metropolitan Region (EN)

Research Team Leader: 
Mgr. Peter Svoboda
Funded by: 
Grantová agentura Univerzity Karlovy v Praze

Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.

Co-researcher: Mgr. Ivana Přidalová


Description of the project

Project no. 898313 Funded by the Charles University Science Foundation.

Research Period: January 2013 - December 2015

The project is focused on evaluation of the spatial aspects of labor in the Prague metropolitan region during 1991-2011. Increase of time and spatial flexibility of labor, establishment of new types of jobs, increase of unemployment and heterogeneity of jobs have influence on traditional understanding of location of jobs, working time and relationships between places of residence and work. Reduction of spatial ties of many new professions has impact on commuting and other regional processes. Moreover, considerable amount of new jobs is located outside the former economic centers and some traditional urban functions are decentralized into the hinterlands and even to the peripheral areas. The project takes into consideration twenty-year period and is based on population census data from 1991, 2001 and 2011. Methodical approach employs three levels of geographical scale: (1) analysis of statistical data on commuting and (un)employment in detail of settlements within the Prague metropolitan region; (2) analysis of residence-workplace relationships with special regards to residential and commercial suburbanization and spatial mismatch within the Prague metropolitan region; (3) case studies focused everyday strategies, time-space behavior and life style of profession groups with the highest spatial and time flexibility on one side and unemployed on the other.

Research objectives

01 Conceptualization of theoretical approaches of the study the spatial aspects of work

The first partial objective is to discuss theoretical approaches to the study of the spatial aspects of work and proposing an appropriate methodology for assessing flexibility and localization of the work within the Prague metropolitan region. 

02 Evaluating of spatial changes in the labor market within the Prague metropolitan region in the period 1991-2011

The second aim is to observe and assess spatial changes in the labor market within the Prague metropolitan region in the period 1991-2011 through quantitative data processing (Census, Labour Force Survey, Business Register etc.), which will help to identify and categorize areas for further research and Explain the basic features of quantitative changes in labor flexibility in space and their impacts.

03 Analysis of the impact of ICT and media to changes of the traditional spatial work relationships

The third partial objective is to clarify the process of liberalization of the labor market, which occurred through new communication technologies and media, and their influence on the changes in traditional spatial work relationships.


Research outcomes


SVOBODA, P., OUŘEDNÍČEK, M. (2015): Flexibility and Localisation of Labour: Overview of Conceptual Approaches and their Relevance for Research of Metropolitan Regions in Czechia. Journal of Economics, 63, 5. pp. 465−485.


SVOBODA, P. (2015): Newsletter and web CGS: alternative data sources for research of temporal and spatial flexibility of working of Czech geographers. Informace ČGS, 34, 2, pp. 17−37

Specialized map with expert content:

SVOBODA, P., HÁNA, D., NEMEŠKAL, J. (2014) Pracovní příležitosti v obcích v širokém okolí Jaderné elektrárny Dukovany 1991 - 2011. 

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P., (2015): Flexibilita a lokalizace práce v Pražském metropolitním regionu. V. brněnská urbánní konference: „Čas(y) měst: 100 let urbánních studií", FSS MU, Brno, Česko (12. - 14. 11. 2015).

Conference Paper:

PŘIDALOVÁ, I., OUŘEDNÍČEK, M. (2015): Migrace cizinců a vývoj etnické diferenciace Prahy. V. brněnská urbánní konference: „Čas(y) měst: 100 let urbánních studií", FSS MU, Brno, Česko (12. - 14. 11. 2015).

Conference Paper: 

PŘIDALOVÁ, I., (2015): International Migration as a factor of change to socio-spatial differentiation of Prague. Migrants in the City: New Dynamics of Migration in Urban Settings, Sheffield, UK (12. - 13. 10. 2015).

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P. (2015): Changes of work localization in the Prague metropolitan region 1991-2011. 6th International Urban Geographies of Post-Communist States Conference: "25 years of urban change" (CATference), Prague, Czechia (23. - 26. 9. 2015).

Conference Paper:

OUŘEDNÍČEK, M., PŘIDALOVÁ, I.(2015):The Role of Foreign Migration in Changing Socio-Spatial Differentiation in Prague Metropolitan Area. 6th International Urban Geographies of Post-Communist States Conference: "25 years of urban change" (CATference), Prague, Czechia (23. - 26. 9. 2015).

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P. (2015): Changes of Work Localization in Czechia 1991-2011. 10th Czech-Polish-Slovak Seminarium "Changing Geographies: The transformation of Subject and Object Orientation in Geographical Research", Litomyšl, Czechia (1. - 3. 6. 2015).

Conference Paper:

PŘIDALOVÁ, I.(2015): Foreigners as a factor of change to local social environment: The case of Hůrka in Prague. 10th Czech-Polish-Slovak Seminarium "Changing Geographies: The transformation of Subject and Object Orientation in Geographical Research", Litomyšl, Czechia (1. - 3. 6. 2015).

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P. (2015): Flexibility and Localization of Work in Czechia. International Student and Early Career Conference NEW WAVE 7th, Prague, Czechia (21. - 22. 5. 2015).  

Conference Paper:

PŘIDALOVÁ, I., (2014): International Migration as a Challenge to Local Social Environment? Challenges of International Migration II, Prague, Czechia (10. - 12. 12. 2014).

Conference Paper:

PŘIDALOVÁ, I., OUŘEDNÍČEK, M. (2014): Migrace a změna sociálně prostorové diferenciace Prahy. Workshop doktorandek a doktorandů 2014: „Prostor ve své transdisciplinaritě", Brno, Česko (12. - 13. 9. 2014).

Conference Paper:

PŘIDALOVÁ, I. (2014): Vnitroměstská migrace v Praze v letech 1992-2012 a role cizinců. 23. sjezd České geografické společnosti a 16. kongres Slovenskej geografickej spoločnosti „Geografie v srdci Evropy“, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Praha, Česko (25. - 28. 8. 2014).

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P. (2014): Prostorové aspekty flexibility práce: proměny vztahů mezi bydlištěm a pracovištěm. 23. sjezd České geografické společnosti a 16. kongres Slovenskej geografickej spoločnosti „Geografie v srdci Evropy“, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Praha, Česko (25. - 28. 8. 2014).

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P. (2014): Flexibility and Localization of Work as Field of Study for Labor Geography: Historical Perspective on Commuting to Work. International Students and Early Careers’ Conference NEW WAVE 6th, Prague, Czechia (16. - 17. 5. 2014).

Conference Paper:

PŘIDALOVÁ, I. (2014): Changing Places In The „Era Of Mobilities“. International Students and Early Careers’ Conference NEW WAVE 6th, Prague, Czechia (16. - 17. 5. 2014).

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P., PŘIDALOVÁ, I. (2014): Flexibility and Localization of Work as Field of Study for Labor Geography: Historical Perspective on Case of the Czech Republic, Tampa, Florida, USA (8. - 12. 4. 2014).

Conference Paper:

PŘIDALOVÁ, I., OUŘEDNÍČEK, M. (2013): Nové podoby rezidenční mobility, příklad ruského etnika v Praze. IV. brněnská konference urbánních studií: „Město a domov", FSS MU, Brno, Česko (7. - 9. 11. 2013).

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P. (2013): Prostorové aspekty flexibility práce v Pražském metropolitním regionu: analýza vztahu bydliště a pracoviště. IV. brněnská konference urbánních studií: „Město a domov", FSS MU, Brno, Česko (7. - 9. 11. 2013).

Diploma Thesis:

PŘIDALOVÁ, I. (2013): Rezidenční mobilita obyvatel Prahy se zaměřením na etnické menšiny. Diplomová práce. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, Praha, 139 s.

Interviews and surveys of companies located in municipalities within the Prague: hinterland:

Questionnaire surveys and interviews with representatives of companies in the chosen area, involving students of master's degree within the course of Methods in social geography. The aim of the survey was to gather data of temporal and spatial embeddedness of firms and their employees in the region: Case Study Kamenice.

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P. (2013): Spatial aspects of labour flexibility in Prague's metropolitan region. 9th Polish, Czech and Slovak Geographical Seminar: Accessibility And Participation As Field Of Geographical Research, Sulejów, Poland (1. - 4. 10. 2013).

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P. (2013): Spatial aspects of labor flexibility in post-socialist and after transition decades: example of Prague metropolitan region. 5th International urban geographies of post-communist states conference, CAT-ference, Tbilisi, Georgia (11. - 13. 9. 2013).

Conference Paper:

SVOBODA, P. (2013): Flexibility and localization of the work as the field of study for Labor Geography: theories, concepts and approaches. New Wave 5: Students´ Geographical Conference: Where the Physical and the Social Meets, Faculty of Science, Prague, Czechia (7. - 8. 6. 2013).


SVOBODA, P., OUŘEDNÍČEK, M., NOVÁK, J. (2013): Dekoncentrace ekonomických aktivit do zázemí Prahy: Dvě tváře komerční suburbanizace. Výstava Sociální deprivace v městském prostředí: objektivní a subjektivní dimenze, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Praha, Česko (od 17. 10. do 22.11. 2013 - prodlouženo do prosince 2013)