Venue location
The venue for GeoRaman 2022 is the Karolinum located in the very center of Prague, at Ovocný trh square, 200 SE from Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí).
Link to the map with the location of Karolinum:
The lectures will be held in the Modrá posluchárna (Blue Auditorium) at Karolinum. Location of the auditorium within Karolinum can be found below.
The registration desk will be located just outside the Blue Auditorium (2nd floor) and will be open from 14:00 to 19:00 on Sunday, 28 August and from 8:00 to 12:00 on Monday, 29 August.
Coffee breaks
Two coffee breaks 10:15 – 11:00 and at 16:00 will take place at the location of Poster session on the ground floor (see the map below). Lunch break 12:20 – 14:00, no lunches are provided at the conference, but plenty of great options near the venue.
Posters (A0 size: 841 × 1189 mm, portrait) will be attached to the stands using pins (will be provided). Poster session will be held at ground floor (see map below).
The exhibition (Green Auditorium, 1st floor) will be open from Monday, 29 August until Wednesday, 31 August

Accompanying programme
Sunday, 28 August – “Icebreaker” is in reality a friendly meeting – pub gathering in a nearby brewery “Lokál” where those who arrive early enough to participate will meet colleagues and enjoy glass or two of the renowned Pilsner beer or dark beer Kozel. The venue is from 5 pm to 8 pm. The best way for those who arrive Saturday or early Sunday to register first, and then decide about how and when to go to “Lokál”. Please go directly to Lokál Ambiente (, Dlouhá 33, or ask at registration desk you will have somebody who will enjoy accompany you.
Monday, 29 August – Festive Karolinum Banquet – a special evening in the same place where Georaman 2022 is held, in the historical hall of Karolinum, in the frame of the Karolinum Charles University Rector´s Office.
Banquet starts at 20:00
Tuesday, 30 August – you are cordially invited to the piano recital by renowned pianist Jitka Čechová, which takes place at 19:30 in the Refectory of “House for Professed” of the former Jesuit College at Malostranské náměstí. The programme includes works by W. A. Mozart, R. Schumann and B. Smetana. You will found your ticket in the conference bag.
The venue is explained in a leaflet in your bag
Wednesday, 31 August special Conference Dinner will be held in a special place very close to the Powder Tower. The venue will be explained.
Thursday, 1 September Special field excursion to the Příbram historical mining area– A bus will collect participants at Hotel Julian, Elišky Peškové 11, Praha 5, please ensure you are at the meeting place at 8:30 am because the bus departs at 9:00 am.
Stones and mining – two hundred years of mining history – silver and polymetals, uranium
Baroque and pilgrimage – Svatá Hora site.