1) Entering and scoring data from Meili test (in Czech)
readme file (in Czech), load the program
2) Entering and scoring data from Cloninger TCI test (in Czech)
readme file (in Czech), load the spreadsheet with macro
3) Perform Cloninger TCI test (in Czech)
readme file (in Czech), load the program
4) Entering and scoring data from Cattel 16 PF test, version Rican 1975 (in Czech)
readme file (in Czech), load the program
5) Universal computer-administered test
The program includes also an image-scorring option.
readme file (in English), load the load the program
6) Simple reaction times test
readme file, load the program
7) Colour preferences test
8) Dictatorship game
9) Wall Streat game
10) Public good game
11) Public game with punishment
12) Excel sheet for computation of partial Kendall test
readme file, load the sheet
13) Entering and scoring data from Cattel 16 PF test, version 5 modified by Flegr & Lindova (a few questions concearning a toxoplasmosis were added to the end of questionnaire), (in Czech)
load the Excel sheet
14) Entering and scoring data from Big Five test, (in Czech)
load the Excel sheet