The articles (sometimes only abstracts) can be read by pressing the blue numbers. Titles of my favorable papers are printed in red.
Separatly are accessible also Other papers (molecular, phylogenetics and parasitology)
and the book Frozen evolution. Or, that’s not the way it is, Mr. Darwin - A Farewell to Selfish Gene.
- Novotná, M., Havlícek, J., Smith, A.P., Kolbeková, P., Skallová, A., Klose, J, Gašová, Z., Písacka, M., Sechovská, M. & Flegr, J. Toxoplasma and reaction time: Role of toxoplasmosis in the origin, preservation and geographical distribution of Rh blood group polymorphism. Parasitology, in press. 25.←click
- Havlicek, J., Saxton, T.K., Roberts, C., Jozifkova, E., Lhota, S., Valentova, J. & Flegr, J. He sees, she smells? Male and female reports of sensory reliance in mate choice and non-mate-choice contexts. Personality and Individual Differences, in press. 25.←click
- Janko, K., Drozd, P., Flegr, J. and Pannell, J. 2008: Clonal decay: a null model for observed patterns of asexual longevity, diversity and distribution. Evolution, 62:1264-1270. 24.←click
- Lindová, J., Hrušková, M., Pivoňková, V., Kuběna A. and Flegr J. 2008: Digit ratio (2D:4D) and Cattell’s personality traits. Eur. J. Personality, 22, 347-356. 23.←click
- Flegr, J. 2007: Where is modern evolutionary biology heading - the theory of frozen plasticity and biological psychiatry. Psychiatrie 11, Suppl. 2, 11-13. 22.←click
- Flegr J. Evolutionary parasitology: the development of invasion, evasion, and survival mechanisms. 2006: in: Food consumption and disease risk - consumer pathogen interactions, Ed. M Potter, 251-270, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge 21.←click
- Jozifkova, E. & Flegr, J. 2006: Dominance, submissivity (and homosexuality) in general population. Testing of evolutionary hypothesis of sadomasochism by internet-trap-method. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 27: 711-718. 20.←click
- Kaňková, Š., Šulc, J., Nouzová, K., Fajfrlík, K., Frynta, D., Flegr, J. 2007: Women infected with parasite Toxoplasma have more sons. Naturwissenschaften 94: 122-127. 19.←click
- Havlíček J., Dvořáková R, Bartoš L, Flegr J.2006: Non-advertised does not mean concealed. Body odour changes across the human menstrual cycle. Ethology, 112: 81-90. 18.←click
- Flegr, J. Hrušková M.., Hodný Z., Hanušová J. 2005: Body height, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, fluctuating asymmetry and second to fourth digit ratio in subjects with latent toxoplasmosis. Parasitology, 130: 621-628 17.←click
- Havlicek J., Roberts S.C. and Flegr J. (2005): Women's preference for dominant male odour: effects of menstrual cycle and relationship status. Biology Letters, 1: 256-259. 16.←click
- Flegr, J. 2005: Evolucní biologie. 1-559, Academia, Praha. 15.←click
- Roberts, S.C.,Havlicek J., Flegr J., Hruskova M., Little, A.C., Jones B.C., Perrett, D.I., Petrie, M. (2004) Female facial attractiveness increases during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle. Proceeding of the Royal Society London B, Biology Letters 271: S270-S272 Suppl. 5 14.←click
- Flegr J. (2002): Was Lysenko (partly) right? Michurinist biology in the view of modern plant physiology and genetics. Riv.Biol./B. Forum, 95, 259-272. 13.←click 13. facsimile ←click
- Flegr J.: Evolutionary mechanisms and processes. In: Encyclopedia of life support systems, Al Gobaisi D. a Badran A. (eds), UNESCO, Paris. 12.←click
- Flegr,J. (1998): Mechanismy mikroevoluce Karolinun Press, Prague, 382-029-98, pp. 139.
- Flegr, J. (1998): On the "Origin" of natural selection by means of speciation. Riv.Biol./B. Forum 91: 291-304. The most important paper. It suggests a new genetic mechanism of evolutionary stasis and evolutionary plasticity. 10←click 10. facsimile ←click
- Flegr,J. (1997): Two distinct types of natural selection in turbidostat-like and chemostat-like ecosystems. J.theor.Biol. 188: 121-126.9.←click
- Flegr,J. and Záboj, P. (1997): PTPT, the freeware program for permutation testing concordance between phylogeny and the distribution of phenetic traits. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 61: 91-95. 8.←click 8. facsimile ←click
- Flegr,J., Záboj, P. and Vanácová Š. (1998): Correlation between aerobic and anaerobic resistance to metronidazole in trichomonads: Application of a new computer program for permutation tests. Parasitology Research, 84: 590-592. 7.←click
- Flegr J. (1996): Corrigendum to Does a cell perform isoelectric focusing? BioSystems 37 253. 0303-2647 6.←click 6. facsimile ←click
- Flegr J. (1996): Environmental selection, the missing term in Darwinism. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 60: 95-96, 1996 ISSN 0862-5247 5.←click 5. facsimile ←click
- Flegr J. (1995): Mechanismy mikroevoluce (Mechanisms of microevoluion). Karolinum Press, Prague, ISBN 80-7184-169-2: pp. 138.4.←click
- Flegr J., Tsukamoto T.; 1994: Sequence mitochondrial D-loop in laboratory and wild strains of genus mus. Acta Soc.Zool.Bohem. 58: 33-38.3.←click 3. facsimile ←click
- Flegr J.; 1994: Mechanismy mikroevoluce. s. 1-116, Karolinum, Praha
- Flegr J.; 1990: Does a cell perform isoelectric focusing? BioSystems 24 127-133.1.←click 1. facsimile ←click
- Separatly are accessible also Other papers (mostly on evolution).