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Submitted by komanek on

Democracy - nearly all of us seem to advocate for this. Most of us would say, that this is the best way of living and existence in society. There were and are wars conducted due to democratic principles and the need of spreading it over the world. Is it really so evident ?

Not at all for me. Seeing the historical consequences, there are many similarities between "spreading of democracy" and "spreading of christianity". It is not about the future well-being of all participated people, at least not in the first place. Although the first ideas behind might be of good mind with all the positiveness in itself, this is not true for the movement outgoing from the primordial (nuclear) thinking. The more people believe in the new philosphical paradigma, the easier is to interchange the previous ideas with new goals. This is done naturally by small changes in the interpretation of original thoughts. The more people are talking, thinking and reading or wiritng about, the weaker is the connection between original thoughts and current ideas, although everybody still makes "evident" links to the originals. In other words, the former paradigma is de-focused and later even misunderstood by loosing the reasons for borders of original ideas. This is one of the most important reasons why we do not understand the Book, if you need a good example.

As soon as the size and power of growing community (which adopted the new ideas) becomes sufficient, there are still people who are able to use this power for another purpose - make themselves supported. They need those masses of believing people to work for them, make them richer and give them more authority. I believe this is unfortunately very natural process, I wouldn't hesitate to call it unavoidable.

After this, you need to concentrate on only two things: (1) ensure, that people will support the modified ideas and believe they are worth their life, (2) make constantly more people believing the ideas are not only good but also the best possible and finally (3) liquidate all incorrigible non-believers and doubters in the name of peace and protection of your own community.

I believe, democracy is very unstable mode of society but also extraordinarily attractive set of ideas which is very suitable for manipulation of people masses in the way described above in this article. At the beginnings there was a society with all the iniquity and injustice. From the evolutionary point of view (regardless what exactly the word "evolution" means in biology, I adopt the term here as a step-by-step change of anything self-corrected by its own history), there is no final phase, especially no more a phase in which there are only unsignificant differences between the community members. This situation would be very unstable and would generate activities leading to more diversification. And diversification means differences, differences mean inequity, inequity can produce iniquity and injustice. Going this way, peole tend again to equality principles, but with new (read: another) supporting ideas. So we can see this "evolution" as a growth spiral which one revolution can be called a democratic process and we are now near to the end of this phase.

If you don't believe, tell yourself if the people in "democratic" part of the world tend to be more equal each other. Tell yourself, if the proposed equality does not mean averaging and if this is the idea you personally want to fullfil. Tell yourself if 99% of everything you are thinking and doing emerged in your own head or heart and if the remaining 1 percent are mostly unnecessarities. If not, there is a chance you need to be managed, somebody has to tell you what to do, what to think, what to feel.... You probably need it even to be able to exist. Your individuality has its own value only in a few time and space points in your life and you are teached the whole life what to do in these points. All your remnant life is "pre-programmed" by the needs of society you are belonging to. But where emerged those needs in the society ? Isn't it a product of cooperation of all  other manipulated individuals ? Are you somehow other than the other people ? No, you are the same, because they also need to feel their own extraordinarility on the way to equality. You are driven to feel extraordinarily. Somebody needs you to do great and brave things for this feeling. Somebody, who self is not independent of this principle.

Apart from the current central set of ideas and your current feelings, you are not free and you never will be free in thinking and doing. It does not matter if you believe in gods, democracy, new science, destiny or whatelse comes next. Hopefully there is a way to escape through the knowledge from this trap, but who can say you are not supposed to believe in this ?

It does not mean those things and related ideas do not exist or  do not have any reasonable meaning. No, it only means if you realize the right nature of those things, there is a chance to make the world better, with not so much conflicts, exploitation and with not so much time and efforts wasted on (by this way of doing) unalterable things which equal to natural patterns.

If you don't believe and think this sounds like an Matrix idea, calm down. It seems to be even worse sad


In one of my future articles I will produce evidence for an idea that democratic process leads to the loss of privacy and weakening the importance of your personality. 

CynthiaLane (not verified)


i always think there is no true democracy. Democracy is relative and no absolute. it is kind of obeying the most.

Mon, 04/18/2016 - 08:43 Permalink

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