Spatial differentiation of crime and its conditions in the Czech Republic
Aim of project
The project focused on the analysis of the spatial distribution of crime and its conditionality in the Czech Republic. The first step is the analysis of the level and structure of crime in large spatial detail (ie at the level of police districts). The second step is a statistical analysis focused on the relationships between crime and the characteristics assigned to the population and territory. In the next phase of the research is shifted spatial targeting (to the level of urban issues) and methodology (from the analysis of statistical data to analyze interviews). In the third step, in selected regional towns evaluated the spatial distribution of crime on the level of sites (hot spots) and deeply analyzed cross-influencing this distribution.
Research objectives
1) Analysis of spatial differentiation of crime in the Czech Republic
Using a statistical analysis (spatial autocorrelation) will be evaluated by the level and structure of crime and its development over time in individual regional police departments. To analyze the spatial patterns of crime will be utilized existing typology territory (city x rural areas x suburbs, internal and external peripheries, etc.).
2) Finding the relationship between the intensity/crime patterns and socio-economic and demographic composition of the population and the characteristics of territory
By linking data on crime and information about the population (Census and Housing 2011, Database unemployment / social benefits Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs) and territory (such as territory typology of the position), there is a unique data set, which allows to analyze the relationship between crime and socio-spatial characteristics.
3) Analysis of cross crime in regional cities
Research at the level of cities and their parts is essential for identifying deeper conditionalities crime that have not revealed by previous analysis. Selected the four regional cities with the highest intensity of crime in which they are implemented structured interviews with key actors in the field of crime in order to identify areas with higher levels of crime in the cities (so-called hot spots) and to detect cross crime in urban environments.
Research outcomes
Jíchová, J. (2014): Výzkum kriminality v Česku. Historická geografie, 40, č. 1, s. 73-93. (in Czech)
Jíchová, J., Temelová, J. (2012): Kriminalita a její percepce ve vnitřním městě: případová studie pražského Žižkova a Jarova (Criminality and its perception in the inner city: Case study of Žižkov and Jarov in Prague).Geografie, 117, č. 3, s. 329-348. (in Czech)
Jíchová, J. (2013): Kriminalita a její percepce v městském prostředí. Dizertační práce. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, Praha, 69 s. (dissertation, in Czech)
Jíchová, J., Temelová, J., Novák, J. (2013): Kriminalita v Praze. Výstava Sociální deprivace v městském prostředí: objektivní a subjektivní dimenze, (2010-2013). 17. 10. - 22. 11. 2013, předsálí Geografické knihovny PřF UK, Praha. (poster in Czech)
Research team
Mgr. Jana Jíchová
RNDr. Jana Temelová, Ph.D.
RNDr. Jakub Novák, Ph.D.
Mgr. Nina Dvořáková
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
Albertov 6, Praha 2, 128 43
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 221 951 970