EED meeting

Awards & Public Relations:

* The Award of the Rector of the Charles University in Prague for creative activities. Prague, April 2009; i-FORUM

* The Prize of The Dean of The Faculty of Science to a Young Scientist for an outstanding scientific and pedagogic contribution to the faculty development. On the occasion of 660 years of the Charles University in Prague, November 2008.

* Vladimír Soukup, my first diploma student, was awarded by The Gaudeamus Prize - Czech Head" for his outstanding diploma thesis (2008).

* The Prize for the Best Poster in the Postdoctoral Series in the Gordon Conference on "Craniofacial Morphogenesis & Tissue Regeneration"; Il Ciocco, February 13, 2008.

* The Josef Hlavka's Award for an outstanding Ph.D. Thesis as The Candidate of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (2005).

* Acknowledgements of the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, for an exemplary representation (2005).

* The Prize of the Czech Anatomical Society and the Olympus company for the best scientific paper of a young scientist, a member of the society (2004).

* The First Award for the Best Student Oral Presentation at the 2003 meeting of the Czech Zoological Society.

* The Second Award for the Best Student Oral Presentation at the 2002 meeting of the Czech Zoological Society.

Náš článek z časopisu Nature byl zařazen mezi Faculty 1000 Biology !!
Přenos z předávání cen Česká hlava (ČT 1; 22. 11. 2008; 21:40) (20. 11. 2008) referovali o předávání cen Česká hlava, kde Vladimír Soukup získal cenu Gaudeamus za naši práci "objasňující vývoj zubů obratlovců"
Česká televize, pořad Port - Úloha citace (ČT 2) 5. 11. 2008
Český rozhlas Leonardo - Z čeho vznikly naše zuby? 6. 10. 2008
Nature Podcast, s interview s R.Č. (18.9.2008)
Media s námi a o nás, 2008.
Axolotl aneb O původu zubů (
Axolotl aneb O původu zubů (
Euro Evo-Devo, Prague, 2006.
Cenu Josefa Hlávky získal Robert Černý z PřF UK Praha (2005).

Černý z PřF UK Praha (2005).