76th Congress of Chemists, Ostrava

At the end of August 2024, two group members participated in the 76th Congress of Chemists in Ostrava. At this conference, the head of our group, doc. Jan Sedláček, contributed with an oral presentation in the Porous Materials section. This presentation was an overview of the work of the whole group.

doc. Sedláček explaining the possible applications of porous polymers

Part of the conference program were fascinating plenary presentations delivered by experts in their field and an excursion to the Dolní Vítkovice area where the poster section was held.
Our PhD. student Michaela Vaňková presented her achieved scientific results in the poster section and won 2nd place in one of the poster section awards categories.

Michaela Vaňková with her poster…
…and with the diploma for her poster
Group photo of the Congess of Chemists