Jana Jíchová

Charles University, Faculty of Science

Department of Social Geography and Regional Development

Albertov 6, Prague 2 

Workplace: Legerova 5 (room 325), Prague 2
Telephone no.: +420 221 951 970
Workplace II: Albertov 6 (room 223c), Prague 2
Telephone no.: +420 221 951 382

E-mail: jana.jichova@natur.cuni.cz 

Research interests

urban studies, geography of crime, fear of crime, city and its perception, quality of life

Personal identificators

Google scholar

ReseacherID: D-3104-2015

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6397-3331  


Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, bachelor's degree in Demography and Social Geography (2006)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, master's degree in Social Geography and Regional Development (2009)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, doctoral's degree (PhD) in Social Geography and Regional Development (2013)

Study abroad 

08/2007-12/2007 - University of Turku, Finland, Erasmus program
03/2014 - University of Tartu, Estonia



Research team leader

  • 2016-2018: Spatial patterns of crime and safety perception in CzechiaCzech Science Foundation 
  • 2012-2013: Spatial crime differences and its consequences in the Czech Republic. Charles University Science Foundation  

Member of team (selected projects):

  • 2020-2022: Prague suburbs: the dynamics of social environment within the growing metropolis. Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. NAKI
  • 2018-2020: Real population in Prague and Central Bohemia region: daily mobility monitoring and population prognosis. Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
  • 2018-2020: Contemporary changes od social environment within the czech suburbs. Czech Science Foundation 
  • 2014-2016: Dynamics of social environment and spatial mobility in metropolitan regions of the Czech republicCzech Science Foundation (project coordinator)
  • 2012-2015: Disclosure of historical spatial and statistical data in GIS environment. Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. NAKI
  • 2012-2013: Prognosis of demographic development and its consequences for the quality of life in dynamically changing municipalities within hinterlands of the Czech cities: application to regional development and administration. Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
  • 2010-2013: Social deprivation in urban environment: objective and subjective dimensionCzech Science Foundation (project coordinator)
  • 2007-2011: Suburban development, Suburbanisation and Urban Sprawl in the Czech Republic: Tackling the Negative Impacts on the Environment. Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic 



Last 5 years

November, 29, 2018, Praha, Czechia. Workshop: Spatial patterns of crime and safety perception in Czechia. (together with Ivana Přidalová, Zuzana Kopecká, Jiří Nemeškal, Lucie Pospíšilová and Martin Šimon)
October, 17-18, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. 
Crime and Fear in Public Spaces: A Conference on the Individual's Right to Safe Public Places. Paper: "Unsafe places in Prague: Male student's perception of public places." (together with Zuzana Kopecká and Lucie Pospíšilová)

October, 3-5, 2018, Modra, Slovakia. Paralely a Divergencie, slovensko-české kriminologické dni. Paper: "Koncentrace kriminality a její společenské škodlivosti na příkladu regionálního města." (together with Martin Šimon)
March 21-22, 2018, Ostrava, Czechia. GIS Ostrava 2018. Paper: "Proměny ohnisek krádeží aut v Liberci." (together with Pavlína Netrdová)
January 18-19, 2018, Olomouc, Czechia. VI. Kriminologické dny. Paper: "Analýza stability kriminality na úrovni ulic: implikace pro výzkum kriminality a bezpečnostní praxi." (together with Martin Šimon)
November 24-25, 2017, Brno, Czechia. 6. konference urbánních studií. Paper: "Dohled nad (ne)viditelným: strategie zvládání strachu z města." (together with Robert Osman)
November 9, 2017, Praha, Czechia. Geografické přístupy v kriminologii, seminář IKSP. Paper: "Možnosti a limity analýzy lokalizovaných dat v Česku." (together with Martin Šimon)
September 13-16, 2017, Cardiff, UK. Eurocrim. Paper: "Exploratory analysis of crime in a low-crime context: The law of crime concentration places and social disorganisation theory" (together with Martin Šimon)
June 14-16, 2017, Trenčianské Teplice, Slovakia. 11th Slovak-Czech-Polish Seminarium. Paper: "Crime in Czechia in transformation period: Territorial differentiation and its conditionality." (together with Ivana Přidalová and Martin Ouředníček)
January 30-31, 2017, Plzeň, Czechia. V. Kriminologické dny. Paper: "Crime city: analysis of ecological circumstances of crimes in czech city localities." (together with Martin Šimon)
September 21-25, 2016, Münster, Germany. Eurocrim. Paper: "Students' view of unsafe places." (together with Lucie Pospíšilová)
September 14-17, 2016, Chania, Crete. EURS. Paper: "Crime in Czech metropolitan and peripheral areas." (together with Jiří Nemeškal)
January 25-26, 2016, Brno, Czechia. IV. Kriminologické dny. Paper: "Possibilities of geographical research of crime in the city " (together with Martin Šimon)
Septembre 23-25, 2015, Praha, Czechia. 6th International Urban Geographies of Post-Communist States Conference: 25 Years of Urban Change. Paper: "Alternative History of Urban Change: Reading Prague through Crime and Homeless?" (together with Martin Šimon)
June 6, 2015, Praha, Czechia. Women's congres. Panel section: "Prague un/safe? Public space in Prague." (organiser Blanka Nyklová, another panelists: Monika McGarrell Klimentová, Milota Sidorová, Jakub Ježek)
June 4, 2015, Praha, Czechia. Sociálně prostorová diferenciace českých zemí v historické perspektivě. Organisation of section: "Population of Czech lands in 20th century" (together with Nina Dvořáková)
April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, USA. AAG Annual Meeting. Paper: "Changing Age Distribution Urban, Suburban and Rural Migrants in Czechia. Reflection of Changing Lifestyles in Post-socialist society" (togehtehr with Petra Špačková and Lucie Pospíšilová)
January 19-20, 2015, Hradec Králové, Czechia. III. Kriminologické dny. Paper: "Safe Life in Suburbs? The Perception of Crime and safety in the New Suburban Communities in Prague" (together with Jana Temelová and Jakub Novák)


September 10-13, 2014, Prague, Czechia. Eurocrim. Poster: "Changing paterns of crime in Prague metropolitan region area 1994-2013" (together with Martin Šimon and Daniel Čermák)
December 5-7, 2013, Brno, Czechia. Visual Studies Conference, Science, Art, Institution, Encounter Imagination. Paper: "This is my quinea-pig, this is my home. Applied visual research, process, benefits and difficulties" (together with Petr Gibas, Tomáš Princ and Irena Boumová)
November 7-9, 2013, Brno, Czechia, IV. Brno conference of urban studies "City and home". Paper: "Vrchlického sady: Meeting place or place for confronting?" (together with Hana Svobodová, Ondřej Pergl and Jana Temelová)
April 8-13, 2013, Los Angeles, USA. AAG Annual Meeting. Paper: "The Spatial Distribution of Crime in the Czech Republic in the context of Western Countries" (together with Jakub Novák)
July 3-5, 2012 - Edinburgh, GB. RGS - IBG Annual International Conference.  Paper: "Perceived and Measured Areas of Social Deprivation: The Case of Prague" (together with Martin Ouředníček and Jana Temelová)
February 24-28, 2012, New York, USA. AAG Annual Meeting. Paper: "Socially Deprived Localities in Views of Key Urban Actors: The Example of Prague" (together with Lucie Pospíšilová)
November 4-5, 2011, Brno, Czechia. III. Brno conference of urban studies "Third city". Paper: "Safe Life in Suburbs? The Perception of Crime and safety in the New Suburban Communities in Prague" (together with Jana Temelová and Jakub Novák)
September 14-17, 2011, Bucharest, Romania. Cities after transition, 4th Workschop. Space, Culture and Transition. Paper: "Safe Life in Suburbs? The Perception of Crime and safety in the New Suburban Communities in Prague" (together with Jana Temelová and Jakub Novák)
August 31 - September, 3, 2010, London, UK. RGS - IBG Annual International Conference. Paper: "Crime patterns and perceptions in transforming neighbourhoods of post-socialist Prague" (together with Jana Temelová)



garantingMethods in social geography I (since 2019/20), Terrain research in Social Geography (since 2018/19)

coordinator/teaching assistant: Methods in social geography I (since 2014/15), Methods of terrain research in social geography (since 2014/15), Socioeconomic Geography (since 2018/19)

participation: Social geography of Prague (since 2010/11),  Aplication of GIS in Social Geography (since 2017/18), Diploma seminars

previous participation: Urban social geography I and II (teaching assistant)Community studies, Seminar for bachaleor students


Professional affiliations

Member of Czech geographical society - since 2010
Member of International Sociological Association - 2010-2014
Member of CAT (Cities after Transition) - since 2011
Member of Czech criminological society - since 2013
Member of European criminological society - since 2015