Time-space mobility of population in Prague metropolitan region

Research Team Leader: 
Lucie Pospíšilová
Funded by: 
Science Foundation of Charles University in Prague
time-space mobility

Aim of  project

The project is based on methods of time-space geography and analyzes the daily movements of people in the Prague metropolitan region, their behavior and lifestyles, depending on the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, season and location of residence and workplace. The movement of persons within the area of the city results in their uneven distribution during the day in particular sites.

The main aim of the project is to identify major differences or similarities in the daily movement of the various socio-demographic groups and to assess the impact of the daily movement of people on the various functional areas of the city.

Research objectives

1. Verification of chosen method (the questionnaire survey incollaboration with teachers of geography at secondary schools)for research on spatiotemporal mobility.

2. Understanding the basic principles of daily and non-daily movements of people in Prague metropolitan region

3. Analysis of impacts of the daily movement on the various functional areas of the city and differences between daytime and nighttime population.

4. Deepening cooperation in the field of geography between high schools and experts from Faculty of Science (Charles University in Prague).

Research outcomes

Pospíšilová, L. (2012): Denní rytmus lokalit pražského centra. (Daily rhythm of localities in Prague city centre). In Temelová, J., Ouředníček, M.: Sociální proměny pražských čtvrtí. Praha. Academia. (in Czech)

Šťástka, J. (2010): A. Schildt, D. Siegfried (eds.): European Cities, Youth and the Public Sphere in the Twentieth Century. Book review. Informace ČGS 2011/2.

Pospíšilová, L., Ouředníček, M. (2010): Každodenní pohyb obyvatel: projekt pro zeměpisný seminář. (Daily mobility: geography workshop project). Geografické rozhledy, 5, str. 17-18.

Šťástka, J. (2010): Časoprostorová mobilita studentů v Praze. (Time-space mobility of students in Prague). Master thesis, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Natural Science, Department of social geography and regional science, Prague.  

Research Team

Mgr. Lucie Pospisilova

RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.

RNDr. Jakub Novák, Ph.D.

Bc. Jakub Šťástka


Lucie Pospíšilová

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development 
Albertov 6, Praha 2, 128 43
Czech Republic

Tel: +420221991 372

e-mail: lucie.pospisilova@natur.cuni.cz