The articles (sometimes only abstracts) can be read by pressing the arrows. Titles of my favorable papers are printed in red bold.
The book "Frozen evolution. - A Farewell to Selfish Gene" is available here
and the book "Watch out for Toxo!: The Secret Guide to Practical Science" here.
- Turecek, P., Fort, J., Flegr J. 2025: Crusaders, monks and family fortunes: evolutionary models of male homosexuality and related phenomena. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 292 (2042), 2024.2756. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2024.2756 ←click
- Flegr, J. 2025: Thirty years of studying latent toxoplasmosis: behavioural, physiological, and health insights. Folia Parasitologica , 72: 005 DOI: 10.14411/fp.2025.005 ←click
- Sebankova, B., Flegr, J. 2024: The digit ratio: scientific methodological challenges and controversies. In: Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior, edited by T. K. Shackelford, Springer Nature Switzerland. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-08956-5_780-1 ←click
- Latifi, A, Flegr, J. 2024: Persistent health and cognitive impairments up to four years post-covid-19 in young students: the impact of virus variants and vaccination timing. Biomedicines 2025 Vol. 13 Issue 1 Pages 69 doi:10.3390/biomedicines13010069 ←click
- Kuba, R., Flegr, J. 2024: Birth Order. In: Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior, edited by T. K. Shackelford, Springer Nature Switzerland. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-08956-5_519-1 ←click
- Divin, D, Toman, J., Flegr, J., Vinkler, M. 2024: Contacts with environmental biodiversity affect human health: links revealed during the initial waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Reports 14, (1), 9, art. 17492. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-67489-6 ←click
- Novakova, J., Turecek, P., Machova, K., Sykorova, K., Zika, V., Flegr, J. 2024: Generosity as a status signal: Higher-testosterone men exhibit greater altruism in the dictator game. Evolution and Human Behavior, 45(5), 106615. ←click
- Flegr, J.; Chvatalova, V.; Priplatova, L.; Turecek, P.; Kodym, P.; Sebankova, B.; Kankova, S. 2024: Cognitive Effects of Toxoplasma and CMV Infections: A Cross-Sectional Study of 557 Young Adults Considering Modulation by Sex and Rh Factor. Pathogens 2024, 13, 363. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2024: Heritability. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. ←click
- Toman, J., Flegr, J. 2024: Macro and Micro Evolution. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. ←click
- Fort, J., Flegr, J., Kuba, R. Kankova S. 2024: Fertility of gay and straight men, women, and their relatives: Testing the sexually antagonistic gene hypothesis. Arch. Sex. Behav. 53(5):1747-1761. 10.1007/s10508-024-02827-3 ←click
- Machova, K., Flegr, J. 2024: Does viewing cats and dogs influence people's mood, optimism and the desire to have children? Society & Animals, (published online ahead of print 2024). ←click
- Flegr, J. 2024: Runaway sexual selection model. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. ←click
- Latifi, A., Flegr, J. 2024: Toxoplasma infection. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. ←click
- Flegr, J., Kuba, R. 2023: Birth order: parental manipulation hypothesis. In: Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior, edited by T. K. Shackelford, Springer International Publishing. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-08956-5_520-1 ←click
- Flegr J., Latifi A. 2023: COVID's long shadow: How SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 severity, and vaccination status affect long-term cognitive performance and health. Biology Methods and Protocols, in Biology Methods and Protocols, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2023, bpad038. ←click
- Latifi A., Flegr J. 2023: Is recovery just the beginning? Persistent symptoms and health and performance deterioration in post-COVID-19, non-hospitalised university students - a cross-sectional study. Biology Methods and Protocols, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2023, bpad037. ←click
- Flegr, J., Hlaváčová, J., Toman, J. 2023: Parasitic manipulation or side effects? The effects of past Toxoplasma and Borrelia infections on human personality and cognitive performance are not mediated by impaired health. Folia Parasitologica, 70, 020. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2023: Stability-based sorting. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2023: The intellectual odyssey of Daniel Frynta: A retrospective on coevolutionary elevator, frozen plasticity, and male homosexuality research. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 86: 31–35. ←click
Flegr, J. 2023: Justine Effect. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham.
- Flegr, J. 2023: Sibling Manipulation Hypothesis of Male Homosexuality.
In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. ←click - Flegr, J. 2023: Constructive Neutral Evolution. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2023: Postadaptations. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2023: Preadaptations. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2023: Evolution by Non-individual Selection Pressures. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. ←click
- Flegr, J., Králová Lesná, I., Zahradník, D. 2023: Exposing and exploiting host–parasite arms race clues in SARS-CoV-2: a principally new method for improved T cell immunogenicity prediction. Biology Methods and Protocols, Volume 8, Issue 1, bpad011 ←click
Flegr, J. 2023: Xenoadaptations. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham.
- Flegr, J., Flegr, P., Příplatová, L. 2022: The effects of 105 biological, socioeconomic, behavioral, and environmental factors on the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and a severe course of COVID-19: a prospective, explorative cohort study.
Biology Methods and Protocols, 7(1), 2022, bpac030. ←click - Sýkorová, K., Fiala, J., Hlaváčová, J., Kaňková, Š., Flegr, J. 2022: Redheaded women are more sexually active than other women, but it is probably due to their suitors. Frontiers in Psychology 29, ←click
Flegr, J. 2022: Adaptations, By-products, and Spandrels. In The Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexual Psychology, ed. Shackelford T.K., Cambridge University Press.
- Tong, W.H., Hlaváčová, J., Abdulai-Saiku, S, Kaňková, Š., Flegr, J., Vyas, A. 2022: Presence of Toxoplasma gondii tissue cysts in human semen: Toxoplasmosis as a potential sexually transmissible infection.
Journal of Infections, ←click - Kopecky, R., Příplatová, L., Boschetti, S., Talmont-Kaminski, K., Flegr, J. 2022: Le Petit Machiavellian Prince: Effects of latent toxoplasmosis on political beliefs and values. Evolutionary Psychology, 2022:14747049221112657. DOI: 10.1177/14747049221112657. ←click
- Kopecky, R., Jirout Košová, M., Novotný, D.D., Flegr, J., Černý, D. 2022: How virtue signalling makes us better: moral preferences with respect to autonomous vehicle type choices. AI & Society, s00146-022-01461-8. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-022-01461-8. ←click
- Flegr, J., Zahradník, D., Zemková, M. 2022.: Thus spoke peptides: SARS-CoV-2 spike gene evolved in humans and then shortly in rats while the rest of its genome in horseshoe bats and then in treeshrews. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 15:1, 96-104, DOI: 10.1080/19420889.2022.2057010. ←click
- Polák, J., Sedláčková, K., Janovcová, M., Peléšková, Š., Flegr, J., Vobrubová, B., Frynta, D., Landová, E. 2022: Measuring fear evoked by the scariest animal: Czech versions of the Spider Questionnaire and Spider Phobia Beliefs Questionnaire. BMC Psychiatry, 22:18. ←click
- Flegr, J., Příplatová, L., Hlaváčová, J., Šebánková, B., Žďárský, E., Kaňková, Š. 2021: The importance of being heterozygote: Effects of RHD-genotype-sex interaction on the physical and mental health of a non-clinical population. Scientific Reports, 11:21960. ←click
- Flegr, J., Flegr, P. 2021: Doing exploratory analysis in R with a package Explorer v. 1.0. Figshare, 10.6084/m9.figshare.14685825.v1, ←click
- Flegr, J. 2021: Toxoplasmosis is a risk factor for acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection and a severe course of Covid-19 disease in the Czech and Slovak population: A preregistered exploratory internet cross-sectional study. Parasites and Vectors 14:508 ←click
- Apostolou, M., Birkás, B., da Silva, C.S.A., Esposito, G., Hsu, R.M.C.S., Jonason, P.K.., Karamanidis, K., Jiaqing, O., Ohtsubo, Y., Putz, Á., Sznycer, D., Thomas, A.G., Varella Valentova, J., Varella, M.A.C., Kleisner, K., Flegr, J., Wang, Y. 2021: Reasons of singles for being single: Evidence from Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan and the UK. Cross-Cultural Research, 55(4), 319-350. ←click
- Hlaváčová, J., Flegr, J., Fiurašková, K., Kaňková, Š. 2021: Relationship between latent toxoplasmosis and depression in clients of a Center for Assisted Reproduction. Pathogens, 10, 1052. ←click
- Sýkorová, K., Flegr, J. 2021: Faster life history strategy manifests itself by lower age at menarche, higher sexual desire, and earlier reproduction in people with worse health. Science Reports, 11:11254, ←click
- Nekola Novakova, J. Machová, K., Sýkorová, K., Zíka, V., Flegr, J. 2021: Looking like a million dollars: Does attractiveness priming increase altruism in experimental games. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 658466, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.658466 ←click
- Hlaváčová J, Flegr J, Řežábek K, Calda P, Kaňková Š. 2021: Association between latent toxoplasmosis and fertility parameters of men. Andrology. 00:1–9. ←click
- Jirout Košová, M., Kopecký R., Oulovský, P. Nekvinda, M., Flegr, J. 2021: My friend’s true self: Children’s concept of personal identity. Philosophical Psychology – 34(1),47-75, ←click
- Hůla, M., Flegr, J. 2021: Habitat selection and human aesthetic responses to flowers. Evolutionary Human Sciences – 3 , 2021 , e5. ←click
- Flegr, J., Toman, J., Hůla, M., Kaňková, Š. 2021: The role of balancing selection in maintaining human RhD blood group polymorphism: A preregistered cross-sectional study. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34: 426-438. ←click
- Kaňková, Š., Bičíková, M., Máčová, L., Hlaváčová, J., Sýkorová, K., Jandová, D., Flegr, J. 2021: Latent toxoplasmosis and vitamin D concentration in human: Three observational studies. Folia Parasitologica, 68:005. DOI: 10.14411/fp.2021.005 ←click
- Krejčová, L., Kuba, R., Flegr, J., Klapilová, K. 2020: Kamasutra in practice: The use of sexual positions in the Czech population and their association with female coital orgasm potential.. Sexual Medicine, 2020;8:767e776. ←click
- Flegr, J., Kuba, R., Kopecký, R 2020: Rhesus-minus phenotype as a predictor of sexual desire and behavior, wellbeing, mental health, and fecundity. PLoS ONE, PLoS ONE 15(7): e0236134. ←click
- Hlaváčová, J., Flegr, J., Řežábek, K., Calda,P., Kaňková, Š. 2020: Male-to-female presumed transmission of toxoplasmosis between sexual partners American Journal of Epidemiology, 15(7), ←click
- Flegr, J., Sýkorová , K., Fiala , V., Hlaváčová , J., Bičíková, M., Máčová, L., Kaňková, Š. 2020: Increased 25(OH)D3 level in redheaded people: Could redheadedness be an adaptation to temperate climate? Experimental Dermatology, 29(7), 598-609. DOI: 10.1111/exd.14119 ←click
- Kaňková, Š., Hlaváčová, J., Flegr, J. 2020: Oral sex: A new, and possibly the most dangerous, route of toxoplasmosis transmission. Medical Hypotheses, 141, 109725, 109725 ←click
- Flegr, J. and Tureček, P. 2020: New approach and new permutation tests with R programs for analyses of false-negative-contaminated data in medicine and biology. Biology Open 9, bio045948. doi:10.1242/bio.045948 ←click
- Kaňková, Š., Flegr, J., Toman, J., Calda, P. 2020: Maternal RhD heterozygous genotype is associated with male biased secondary sex ratio Early Human Development, 140, article number: 104864. doi: ←click
- Flegr, J., Kaňková, Š. 2020: The effects of toxoplasmosis on sex ratio at birth Early Human Development, 141, article number: 104874. doi: ←click
- Polák, J., Rádlová, S., Janovcová, M., Flegr, J., Landová, E., Frynta, D. 2020: Scary and nasty beasts: Self-reported fear and disgust of common phobic animals British Journal of Psychology, 111(2), 297-321. doi: 10.1111/bjop.12409 ←click
- Flegr, J., Horáček, J. 2020: Negative effects of latent toxoplasmosis on mental health. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10:1012. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.01012. ←click
- Flegr, J., Preiss, M. 2019: Friends with malefit. The effects of keeping dogs and cats, sustaining animal-related injuries and Toxoplasma infection on health and quality of life. PLoS ONE 14(11): e0221988. ←click
- Flegr, J. & Sýkorová, K. 2019: Skin fairness, not hair redness, can be responsible for impaired physical and mental health of redheads. Scientific Reports, 9, Article number: 18138. ←click
- Toman, J. & Flegr 2018: A virtue made of necessity: Is the increasing hierarchical complexity of sexual clades an inevitable outcome of their declining (macro)evolutionary potential? Evolutionary Biology, 45: 374-394. ←click
- Flegr, J., Blum, A.E., Nekola, O., Kroupa, Š. 2018: What people prefer and what they think they prefer in short- and long-term partners. The effects of the phase of the menstrual cycle, hormonal contraception, pregnancy, and the marital and the parenthood status on partner preferences. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40, Issue 1, 112-125, ←click
- Kuba, R., Flegr, J. & Havlíček, J. 2018: The effect of birth order on educational aspiration. Intelligence, 70, 61-72. ←click
- Flegr, J. & Ponížil, P. 2018: On the importance of being stable – evolutionarily frozen species can win in fluctuating environments. Biological Journal of Linnean Society, 125, 210–220. bly110, ←click
- Flegr, J., Šebánková, B., Příplatová, L., Kaňková, Š., Chvátalová, V. 2018: Lower performance of Toxoplasma infected, Rh negative subjects in the weight-holding and hand grip tests. PLoS ONE, 13(7): e0200346. ←click
- Flegr. J., Preiss, M., Balatova, P. 2018: Depressiveness and neuroticism in Bartonella seropositive and seronegative subjects – preregistered case-controls study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9:314. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00314. ←click
- Toman, J., Flegr, J. 2018: Macroevolutionary freezing and the janusian nature of evolvability: Is the evolution (of profound biological novelty) going to end? Biosemiotics, 11: 263-275. ←click
- Chvátalová, V., Šebánková, B., Hrbáčková, H., Tureček, P., Flegr, J. 2018: Differences in cognitive functions between cytomegalovirus-infected and cytomegalovirus-free university students: a case control study. Scientific Reports, 8, Article number: 5322, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-23637-3. ←click
- Flegr, J., Milinski, M., Kaňková , Š., Hůla, M., Hlaváčová , J., Sýkorová, K. 2018: Latent toxoplasmosis and olfactory functions of Rh positive and Rh negative subjects. PLoS ONE, 13(12): e0209773. IF 2.77 ←click
- Flegr, J., Horáček, J. 2018: Toxoplasmosis, but not borreliosis, is associated with psychiatric disorders. Schizophrenia Research, 197 603–604. ←click Better (full) version of the article: ←click
- Nováková, J., Houdek, P., Jolič, Flegr, J. 2017: Experimental assessment of cheating prevalence in the Czech Republic as an example of a post-communist country. Deviant Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2017.1410381. ←click
- Frost, P., Kleisner, K., Flegr, J. 2017: Health status by gender, hair color, and eye color: red-haired women are the most divergent. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0190238. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2017: Is there a relation between the manipulative activity of Toxoplasma and personalized medicine? Expert Rev. Anti Infect. Ther., 21:1-3. doi: 10.1080/14787210.2018.1417838. ←click
- Toman, J., Flegr, J. 2017: General environmental heterogeneity as the explanation of sexuality? Comparative study shows that ancient asexual taxa are associated with both biotically and abiotically homogeneous environments. Ecology and Evolution, 1-19, 10.1002/ece3.3716. ←click
- Šebánková, B. Flegr, J. 2017: Physical and mental health status in Toxoplasma-infected women before and three years after they learn about their infection: Manipulation or side-effects of impaired health? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5:144, doi: 10.3389/fevo.2017.00144. ←click
- Toman, J., Flegr, J. 2017: Stability-based sorting: The forgotten process behind (not only) biological evolution. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 435, 29-41. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2017: Do Toxoplasma-infected subjects have better leadership skills? Comment on paper “Puppet master: possible influence of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii on managers and employees". Academy of Management Perspectives, 31(4), 332-338. doi: 10.5465/amp.2017.0109. ←click
- Lolli, L., Batterham, A.M., Kratochvíl, L., Flegr, J., Weston, K. & Atkinson, G. 2017: A comprehensive allometric analysis of 2nd digit length to 4th digit length in humans. Proceedings of Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284: 20170356. ←click
- Bouwmeester S, et al. 2017: Registered replication report: Rand, Greene, and Nowak (2012). Perspectives on Psychological Science 12(3): 527-542. doi: 10.1177/1745691617693624. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2017: Does Toxoplasma infection increase sexual masochism and submissiveness? Yes and no. Communicative & Integrative Biology, e1303590. ←click
- Flegr, J. Vedralova, M. 2017: Specificity and nature of the associations of twenty-four neuropsychiatric disorders with contacts with cats and dogs. Schizophrenia Research 189: 219-220. ←click
- Zemková, M., Zahradník, D., Mokrejš, M., Flegr, J. 2017: Parasitism as the main factor shaping peptide vocabularies in current organisms Parasitology, 144: 975-983. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2017: Predictors of Toxoplasma gondii infection in Czech and Slovak populations: The possible role of cat-related injuries and risky sexual behavior in the parasite transmission. Epidemiology and Infection, 145: 1351-1362. ←click
- Flegr, J., Horáček, J. 2017: Toxoplasma gondii-infected subjects report an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder diagnosis more often and score higher in Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory. European Psychiatry, 40: 83-87. ←click
- Flegr, J. Escudero, D. Q. 2016: Impaired health status and increased incidence of diseases in Toxoplasma-seropositive subjects – An explorative cross-sectional study. Parasitology, 143, 1974-1989, doi:10.1017/S0031182016001785. ←click
- Flegr, J., Kuba, R. 2016: The relation of Toxoplasma infection and sexual attraction to fear, danger, pain and submissiveness. Evolutionary Psychology, 2016, 1-10, DOI: 10.1177/1474704916659746. ←click
- Lindová, J., Little, A.C., Havlíček, J., Roberts, S.C., Rubešová, A., Flegr, J. 2016: Effect of partnership status on preferences for facial self-resemblance. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:869. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00869. ←click
- Hůla, M. & Flegr J. 2016: What flowers do we like? The influence of shape and color on the rating of flower beauty. PeerJ, 4:e2106; DOI 10.7717/peerj.2106. ←click
- Seifert, B., Buschinger, A.,, Aldawood, A., Antonova, V., Bharti, H., Borowiec, L., Dekoninck, W., Dubovikoff, D., Espadaler, X., Flegr, J., Georgiadis, C., Heinze, J., Neumeyer, R., Ødegaard, F., Oettler, J., Radchenko, A., Schultz, R., Sharaf, M., Trager, J., Vesnić, A., Wiezik, M., Zettel H. 2016: Banning paraphylies and executing Linnaean taxonomy is discordant and reduces the evolutionary and semantic information content of biological nomenclature. Insectes Sociaux. International Journal for the Study of Social Arthropods, 1-6, DOI 10.1007/s00040-016-0467-1. ←click
- Dama, S.M., Martinec Nováková, L., Flegr, J. 2016: Do differences in Toxoplasma gondii prevalence influence global variation in secondary sex ratio? Preliminary ecological regression study Parasitology 143, 1193–1203. doi:10.1017/S0031182016000597. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2016: Heterozygote advantage probably maintains rhesus factor blood group polymorphism: Ecological regression study. PLoS ONE, 11(1): e0147955. ←click
- Flegr, Hodný, Z. 2016: Cat scratches, not bites, are associated with unipolar depression - cross-sectional study. Parasites & Vectors 2016:8 doi:10.1186/s13071-015-1290-7. ←click
- Flegr, J., Hoffmann, R., Dammann, M. 2015: Worse health status and higher incidence of health disorders in Rhesus negative subjects. PLoS ONE, 10(10): e0141362. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2015: Host manipulation by Toxoplasma gondii. In Host Manipulations by Parasites and Viruses. Mehlhorn H, (ed.), Springer, London. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2015: Neurological and neuropsychiatric consequences of chronic Toxoplasma infection. Clinical Microbiology Reports, 2(4). DOI 10.1007/s40588-015-0024-0 ←click
- Lanchava L., Carlson K., Flegr, J., Šebánková, B., Nave, G. 2015: No Association between Toxoplasma gondii infection and financial risk taking in females. PLOS ONE, 10(9): e0136716. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136716 ←click
- Kaňková, Š, Flegr, J. Calda, P. 2015: An elevated blood glucose level and increased incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant women with latent toxoplasmosis. Folia Parasitologica, 62: 041doi: 10.14411/fp.2015.041.. ←click
- Kaňková, Š, Flegr, J. Calda, P. 2015: The influence of latent toxoplasmosis on women's reproductive function – four cross-sectional studies. Folia Parasitologica, 62:041. ←click
- Flegr J. 2015: Schizophrenia and Toxoplasma gondii: an undervalued association? Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy, 13: 817-820. ←click
- Jozifkova, E., Konvicka, M., Flegr, J. 2014: Why do some women prefer submissive men? Hierarchically disparate couples reach higher reproductive success in European urban humans. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 35, 594-601. ←click
- Flegr, J., Markos, A. 2014: Masterpiece of epigenetic engineering – how Toxoplasma gondii reprograms host brains to change fear to sexual attraction. Molecular Ecology, 23, 5934-5936. ←click
- Příplatová, L., Šebánková, B., Flegr, J. 2014: Contrasting effect of prepulse signals on performance of Toxoplasma-infected and Toxoplasma-free subjects in an acoustic reaction times test. PLoS ONE, 9(11): e112771. ←click
- Kanková, S., Procházková, L., Flegr, J., Calda, P., Springer, D., Potluková, E. 2014: Effects of latent toxoplasmosis on autoimmune thyroid diseases in pregnancy. PLoS ONE, 9(10): e110878. ←click
- Flegr, J., Dama, M. 2014: Does prevalence of latent toxoplasmosis correlate with nation-wide rate of traffic accidents? Folia Parasitologica, 6, 485-494. ←click
- Flegr, J., Klapilova, K., Kankova, Š. 2014: Toxoplasmosis can be a sexually transmitted infection with serious clinical consequences. Not all routes of infection are created equal. Medical Hypotheses, 83 (2014) 286–289. ←click
- Kubena, A.A., Houdek, P., Lindová, J., Príplatová, L., and Flegr, J: 2014: Justine effect: punishment of the unduly self-sacrificing cooperative individuals. PLoS ONE, 9(3): e92336. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092336. ←click
- Flegr, J., Hampl, R., Bicíková, M., Ripova, D., Mohr, P. 2014: Difference of neuro- and immunomodulatory steroids and selected hormone and lipid concentrations between Toxoplasma-free and Toxoplasma-infected schizophrenia patients. Neuroendocrinology Letters 35: 20-27. ←click
- Flegr, J., Prandota, J., Sovicková, M., Israili, ZH. 2014: Toxoplasmosis - a global threat. Correlation of latent toxoplasmosis with specific disease burden in a set of 88 countries. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90203. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090203. ←click
- Kleisner, K., Chvátalová, V., Flegr, J. 2014: Perceived Intelligence Is Associated with Measured Intelligence in Men but Not Women PLoS ONE 9(3): e81237. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0081237. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2013: Why Drosophila is not Drosophila any more, why it will be worse and what can be done about it? Zootaxa, 3741(2): 295-300. ←click
- Flegr, J., Preiss, M., Klose, J.2013: Toxoplasmosis-associated difference in intelligence and personality in men depends on their Rhesus blood group but not ABO blood group. PLoS ONE, 8(4): e61272. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061272. ←click
- Nováková J., Flegr, J. 2013: How much is our fairness worth? The erffect of raising stakes on offers by proposers and minimum acceptable offers in dictator and ultimatum games. PLoS ONE, , 8(4): e60966. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060966. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2013: How and why Toxoplasma makes us crazy. Trends in Parasitology, 29, 156-163. doi: 10.1016/ ←click
- Holub, D., Flegr, J., Dragomirecká, E., Rodriguez, M., Preiss, M., Novák, M., Čermák, J., Horáček, J., Kodym, P., Libiger, J., Höschl, C., Bankovská Motlová, L. 2013: Differences in onset of disease and severity of psychopathology between toxoplasmosis-related and toxoplasmosis-unrelated schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 127: 227-238. doi: 10.1111/acps.12031. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2013: Influence of latent Toxoplasma infection on the human personality, physiology, and morphology: The Toxoplasma-human model in studying the manipulation hypothesis - pros and cons. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216, 127-133. ←click
- Flegr, J. 2013: Microevolutionary, macroevolutionary, ecological and taxonomical implications of punctuational theories of adaptive evolution. Biology Direct, 8:1. ←click
- Kleisner, K., Priplatova, L., Frost, P., Flegr, J. 2013: Trustworthy-looking face meets brown eyes. PLoS ONE, 8(1): e53285. ←click
- Flegr, J., Guenter, W., Bieliński, M., Deptuła, A., Zalas-Więcek, P., Piskunowicz, M., Szwed, K., Buciński, A., Gospodarek, E., Borkowska, A. 2012: Toxoplasma gondii infection affects cognitive function - corrigendum Folia Parasitologica, 59: 253-254. ←click
- Flegr, J., Geryk, J., Volný, J., Klose, J., Černochová, D. 2012: Rhesus factor modulation of effects of smoking and age on psychomotor performance, intelligence, personality profile, and health in Czech soldiers. PLoS ONE, 7(11): e49478. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049478. ←click
- Jozífková, E., Bartos, L., Flegr, J. 2012: Evolutional background of dominance/submissivity in sex and bondage: the two strategies? Neuroendocrinology Letters, 33: 636-642. ←click
- Kaňková, S., Sulc, J., Křivohlavá, R., Kuběna, A., Flegr, J. 2012: Slower postnatal motor development in infants of mothers with latent toxoplasmosis during the first 18 months of life. Early Human Development, 88: 879-874. ←click
- Flegr, J., Hampl, R., Černochová, D., Preiss, M., Bičíková, M., Sieger, Příplatová, L., Kaňková, Š., Klose, J. 2012: The relation of cortisol and sex hormone levels to results of psychological, performance, IQ and memory tests in military men and women. Neuroedocrinology Letters, 33, 224-235. ←click
- Horacek J., Flegr J., Tintera J., Verebova K., Spaniel F., Novak T., Brunovsky M., Bubenikova-Valesova V., Palenicek T., Höschl C. 2012: Latent toxoplasmosis reduces gray matter density in schizophrenia but not in controls. Voxel-based-morphometry (VBM) study. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 13: 501-509. ←click
- Berenreiterová M., Flegr J., Kuběna A.A., Němec P. 2011: The distribution of Toxoplasma gondii cysts in the brain of a mouse with latent toxoplasmosis: Implications for the behavioral manipulation hypothesis. PLoS ONE, 6(12): e28925. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028925. ←click
- Holub D., Bankovská M., Dragomirecká E., Rodriguez M., Preiss M., Novák T., Čermák J., Horáček J., Libiger J., Flegr J. 2011: Possible protective function of Rh factor in schizophrenia. Psychiatrie, 15: 37-42. ←click
- Flegr J., Stříz I. 2011: Potential immunomodulatory effects of latent toxoplasmosis in humans. BMC Infectious Diseases, 11:274. ←click
- Flegr J., Lenochová P., Hodný Z, Vondrová M. 2011: Fatal attraction phenomenon in humans – cat odour attractiveness increased for toxoplasma-infected men while decreased for infected women. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 5:e1389. ←click
- Kulich T., Flegr J. 2011: Effects of multiple gene control on the spread of altruism by group selection. J. Theor. Biol. 284, 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.05.017. ←click
- Lindová J., Příplatová L., Flegr J. 2012: Higher extraversion and lower conscientiousness in humans infected with Toxoplasma. European Journal of Personality, 26: 285–291, DOI: 10.1002/per.838. ←click
- Kaňková S, Kodym P., Flegr J. 2011: Direct evidence of Toxoplasma-induced changes in serum testosterone in mice. Experimental Parasitology, 128, 181-183. ←click
- Kanková S, Holán V., Zajícová A., Kodym P., Flegr J. 2010: Modulation of immunity in mice with latent toxoplasmosis – the experimental support for the immunosupression hypothesis of Toxoplasma-induced changes in reproduction of mice and humans. Parasitology Research, 107: 1421-1427.. ←click
- Flegr J., Príplatová L. 2010: Testosterone and cortisol levels in university students reflect actual rather than estimated number of wrong answers on written exam. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 31: 577-581. ←click
- Flegr J. 2010: Influence of latent toxoplasmosis on the phenotype of intermediate hosts. Folia Parasitologica 57: 81-87. ←click
- Lindová J., Kubena A.A., Sturcová H., Krivohlavá R., Novotná M., Rubesová A., Havlícek J., Kodym P. and Flegr J. 2010: Pattern of money allocation in experimental games supports the stress hypothesis of gender differences in Toxoplasma gondii-induced behavioural changes. Folia Parasitologica, 57: 136-142. ←click
- Flegr J., Novotná M., Fialová A., Kolbeková P., Gasová Z. 2010: The influence of RhD phenotype on toxoplasmosis- andage-associated changes in personality profile of blood donors. Folia Parasitologica, 57: 143-150. ←click
- Kanková S., Sulc J., Flegr J. 2010: . Increased pregnancy weight gain in women with latent toxoplasmosis and RhD-positivity protection against this effect. Parasitology, 137: 1773-1779. ←click
- Kleisner K., Kocnar T., Rubesová A., Flegr J. 2010: Eye color predicts but does not directly influence perceived dominance in men. Personality and Individual Differences, 49: 59-64. ←click
- Flegr J. 2010: Elastic, not plastic species: Frozen plasticity theory and the origin of adaptive evolution in sexually reproducing organisms. Biology Direct, 5:2. ←click
- Kleisner K., Ivell R., Flegr J. 2010: The evolutionary history of testicular externalization and the origin of the scrotum. Journal of Biosciences, 35: 27-37. ←click
- Flegr J. 2009: A possible role of intracellular isoelectric focusing in the evolution of eukaryotic cells and multicellular organisms. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 69: 445-451. ←click
- Kratochvíl L. Flegr J. 2009: Differences in the 2nd to 4th digit length ratio in humans reflect shifts along the common allometric line. Biology Letters, 5: 643-646. ←click
- Flegr J., Klose J., Novotna M., Berenreitterová M. & Havlicek J. 2009: Increased incidence of traffic accidents in Toxoplasma-infected military drivers and protective effect RhD molecule revealed by a large-scale prospective cohort study.. BMC Infect. Dis. 9:72. ←click
- Holub D., Motlová L., Dragomirecká E., Novák T., Cermák J., Rodriguez M., Preiss M., Ungrmanová M., Panochová A., Flegr J. 2008: Vigilance/sustained attention abnormalities in subjects with latent toxoplaxmosis. Psychiatrie 12, Supl. 3. ←click
- Kostka M., Uzlikova M., Cepicka I., Flegr J. 2008: SlowFaster, a user-friendly program for slow-fast analysis and its application on phylogeny of Blastocystis. BMC Bioinformatics, 9:341. ←click
- Flegr J., Novotná M., Lindová J. & Havlícek J. 2008: Neurophysiological effect of the Rh factor. Protective role of the RhD molecule against Toxoplasma-induced impairment of reaction times in women. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 29(4): 475-481. ←click
- Novotná M., Havlícek J., Smith A.P., Kolbeková P., Skallová A., Klose J, Gasová Z., Písacka M., Sechovská M. & Flegr J. 2008 Toxoplasma and reaction time: Role of toxoplasmosis in the origin, preservation and geographical distribution of Rh blood group polymorphism. Parasitology, 135: 1253-1261. ←click
- Havlicek J., Saxton T.K., Roberts C., Jozifkova E., Lhota S., Valentova J. & Flegr J. 2008: He sees, she smells? Male and female reports of sensory reliance in mate choice and non-mate-choice contexts. Personality and Individual Differences, 45: 565-570. ←click
- Janko K., Drozd P., Flegr J. and Pannell J. 2008: Clonal decay: a null model for observed patterns of asexual longevity, diversity and distribution. Evolution, 62:1264-1270. ←click
- Flegr J, Lindová J., Pivonkova V. and Havlicek J. 2008: Latent toxoplasmosis and salivary testosterone concentration – important confounding factors in second to fourth digit ratio studies. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 20: 487-489. ←click
- Kolisko M., Cepicka I., Hampl V., Leigh J., Roger A.J., Kulda J., Simpson A.G.B. & Flegr J. 2008: Molecular phylogeny of diplomonads and enteromonads based on SSU rRNA, a-tubulin and HSP90 genes: implications for the evolutionary history of the double karyomastigont of diplomonads BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8:205. ←click
- Cepicka I., Kostka M., Uzlíková M., Kulda J., Flegr J. 2008 : Non-monophyly of Retortamonadida and high genetic diversity of the genus Chilomastix suggested by analysis of SSU rDNA. Mol. Phyl. Evol. 48:770-775. ←click
- Lindová J., Hrusková M., Pivoňková V., Kuběna A. and Flegr J. 2008: Digit ratio (2D:4D) and Cattell’s personality traits. Eur. J. Personality, 22, 347-356. ←click
- Flegr J., Lindova J., Kodym P. 2008: Sex-dependent toxoplasmosis-associated differences in testosterone concentration in humans. Parasitology, 135:427-431. ←click
- Kanková Š., Flegr J. 2007: Longer pregnancy and slower fetal development in women with latent "asymptomatic" toxoplasmosis. BMC Infectious Diseases, BMC 7:114 ←click
- Kanková S., Kodym P., Frynta D., Vavrinová R., Kubena A., Flegr J. 2007: Influence of latent toxoplasmosis on the secondary sex ratio in mice. Parasitology, 134: 1709-1717 ←click
- Kolbekova P., Kourbatova E., Novotna M., Kodym P., Flegr J. 2007: New and old risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii infection – Prospective cross-sectional study among military personnel in Czech Republic. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 13: 1012-1017. ←click
- Hodková H, Kolbeková P, Skallová A, Lindová J. and Flegr J. 2007: Higher perceived dominance in Toxoplasma infected men – a new evidence for role of increased level of testosterone in toxoplasmosis-associated changes in human behavior Neuroendocrinology Letters, 28: 110-114. ←click
- Hodkova H., Kodym P., Flegr J. 2007: Poorer results of mice with latent toxoplasmosis in learning tests: impaired learning processes or the novelty discrimination mechanism? Parasitology, 134: 1329-1337. ←click
- Hampl V., Cepicka I., Flegr J., Tachezy J., Kulda J. 2007: Morphological and molecular diversity of the monocercomonadid genera Monocercomonas, Hexamastix and Honigbergiella gen. nov. Protist, 158: 365-383. ←click
- Flegr J. 2007: Effects of Toxoplasma on human behaviour. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2007: 33, 757-760. ←click
- Flegr J. 2007: Where is modern evolutionary biology heading - the theory of frozen plasticity and biological psychiatry. Psychiatrie 11, Suppl. 2, 11-13. ←click
- Kostka M., Cepicka I., Hampl V. and Flegr J. 2007: Phylogenetic position of Karotomorpha and paraphyly of Proteromonadidae, Mol. Phyl. Evol. 43: 1167-1170. ←click
- Kanková S., Sulc J. ,Nouzová K., Fajfrlík K., Frynta D., Flegr J. 2007: Women infected with parasite Toxoplasma have more sons. Naturwissenschaften 94: 122-127 ←click
- Flegr J. Evolutionary parasitology: the development of invasion, evasion, and survival mechanisms. 2006: in: Food consumption and disease risk - consumer pathogen interactions, Ed. M Potter, 251-270, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge ←click
- Jozifkova E. & Flegr J. 2006: Dominance, submissivity (and homosexuality) in general population. Testing of evolutionary hypothesis of sadomasochism by internet-trap-method. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 27: 711-718. ←click
- Lindová J., Novotná M., Havlícek J., Smídová E., Skallová A., Kolbeková P., Hodný Z., Kodym P. and Flegr J. 2006: Gender differences in behavioural changes induced by latent toxoplasmosis. International Journal for Parasitology, 36: 1485-1492 ←click
- Havlíček J., Dvořáková R, Bartos L, Flegr J. 2006: Non-advertised does not mean concealed. Body odour changes across the human menstrual cycle. Ethology, 112: 81-90. ←click
- Skallová A., Kodym P., Frynta D., Flegr J. 2006: The role of dopamine in Toxoplasma-induced behavioural alterations in mice: an ethological and ethopharmacological study. Parasitology, 133, 525-535. ←click
- Cepicka I., Hampl V., Kulda J., Flegr J. 2006: New evolutionary lineages, unexpected diversity and host specificity in the parabasalid genus Tetratrichomonas. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 39 (2): 542-551. ←click
- Havlicek J., Roberts S.C. and Flegr J. 2005: Women's preference for dominant male odour: effects of menstrual cycle and relationship status. Biology Letters, 1: 256-259. ←click
- Skallová A., Novotná M., Kolbeková P., Gasová Z., Veselý V., Sechovská M, Flegr J 2005: Decreased level of novelty seeking in blood donors infected with Toxoplasma. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 26: 480-486. ←click
- Hampl V., Horner D.S., Dyal P., Kulda J., Flegr J., Foster P., Embley T.M. 2005: Inference of phylogenetic position of oxymonads based on 9 genes: Support for monophyly of Metamonada and Excavata. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 22: 2508-2518. ←click
- Novotná M., Hanusova J, Klose J., Preiss M., Havlicek J., Roubalová K., Flegr J. 2005: Probable neuroimmunological link between Toxoplasma> and cytomegalovirus infections and personality changes in the human host. BMC Infectious Diseases, 5:54. ←click
- Kutisova K., Kulda J., Cepicka I., Flegr J., Koudela B. , Teras J., Tachezy J. 2005: Tetratrichomonads from oral cavity and respiratory tract of humans. Parasitology 131: 309-319. ←click
- Kolisko M., Cepicka I., Hampl V., Kulda J. Flegr J. 2005: The phylogenetic position of enteromonads: a challenge for the present models of diplomonad evolution. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 55: 1729-1733. click
- Flegr, J. Hrusková M.., Hodný Z., Hanusová J. 2005: Body height, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, fluctuating asymmetry and second to fourth digit ratio in subjects with latent toxoplasmosis. Parasitology, 130: 621-628. ←click
- Cepicka I., Kutisová K.,Tachezy J., Kulda J., Flegr J. 2005:Cryptic species within the Tetratrichomonas gallinarum species complex revealed by molecular polymorphism. Veterinary Parasitology, 128: 11-21. ←click
- Flegr J. 2005: Evolucní biologie. 1-559, Academia, Praha. ←click
- Flegr J., Hrdá S., Kodym P. 2005: Influence of latent 'symptomatic' toxoplasmosis on body weight of pregnant women. Folia Parasitologica 52: 199-204 ←click
- Kostka M, Hampl V., Cepicka I, Flegr J. 2004: Phylogenetic position of Protoopalina intestinalis based on SSU rRNA gene sequence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 33: 220-224. click
- Hampl V, Cepicka I, Flegr J, Tachezy J, Kulda J 2004: Critical analysis of the topology and rooting of the parabasalian 16S rRNA tree. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 32: 711-723 click
- Roberts S.C., Havlicek J., Flegr J., Hruskova M., Little A.C., Jones B.C., Perrett D.I., Petrie M. 2004: Female facial attractiveness increases during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle. Proceeding of the Royal Society London B, Biology Letters 271: S270-S272 Suppl. 5 ←click
- Sedinová J., Flegr, J. Ey, P.L. & Kulda J. 2003: Use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis for the identification of Giardia intestinalis subtypes and phylogenetic tree construction. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 50: 198-203. ←click
- Flegr J., Preiss M., Klose J., Havlíček J., Vitáková M, Kodym P. 2003: Decreased level of psychobiological factor novelty seeking and lower intelligence in men latently infected with the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Dopamine, a missing link between schizophrenia and toxoplasmosis? Biological Psychology, 63: 253-268. ←click
- Flegr J., Havlícek J., Kodym P., Malý M., Smahel Z. 2002: Increased risk of traffic accidents in subjects with latent toxoplasmosis: a retrospective case-control study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 2: 11 (1-13).←click
- Tachezy J., Tachezy R., Hampl V., Sedinová M., Vanácová S., Vrlík M., Van Ranst, M., Flegr J. and Kulda J. 2002: Cattle pathogen Ttritrichomonas foetus (Riedmüller, 1928) and pig commensal Tritrichomonas suis (Gruby & Delafond, 1843) belong to the same species. J Eukaryot Microbiol., 49: 154-63 ←click
- Flegr J. 2002: Was Lysenko (partly) right? Michurinist biology in the view of modern plant physiology and genetics. Riv.Biol./B. Forum, 95, 259-272. ←click facsimile ←click
- Dvorák J., Vanácová S., Hampl V., Flegr J. and Horák P. 2002: Comparison of European Trichobilharzia species based on ITS1 and ITS2 sequences. Parasitology, 124: 307-313. ←click
- Hampl V., Vanácová S, Kulda J., Flegr J. 2001: Concordance between genetic relatedness and phenotypic similarities of Trichomonas vaginalis strains. BMC Evolutionary Biology 1: 11. ←click
- Hampl V., Pavlícek A., Flegr J. 2001: Construction and bootstrap analysis of DNA fingerprinting-based phylogenetic trees with a freeware program FreeTree: Application to trichomonad parasites. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 51: 731-735. ←click
- Havlícek J., Gasová Z., Smith A. P. , Zvára K, J. Flegr J. 2001: Decrease of psychomotor performance in subjects with latent "asymptomatic" toxoplasmosis. Parasitology, 122: 515-520.←click
- Flegr J., Kodym P., and Tolarová V. 2000: Correlation of duration of latent Toxoplasma gondii infection with personality changes in women. Biological Psychology, 53: 57-68. ←click
- Hrdá S., Votýpka J., Kodym P., and Flegr J. 2000: Transient nature of Toxoplasma gondii-induced behavioral changes in mice. Journal of Parasitology, 86: 657-663. ←click
- Flegr J. 1999: Evolutionary mechanisms and processes. In: Encyclopedia of life support systems, Al Gobaisi D. a Badran A. (eds), UNESCO, Paris. ←click
- Flegr J., Hrdá S., Havlícek J. 1999: Rozdíly v osobnostním profilu biologů nakazených a nenakazených T. gondii Remedia - Klinická mikrobiologie 3: 268-273. ←click
- Pavlícek A., Hrdá S., Flegr J. 1999: FreeTree - freeware program for construction of phylogenetic trees on the basis of distance data and for bootstrap/jackknife analysis of the trees robustness. Application in the RAPD analysis of genus Frenkelia. Folia Biologica (Praha) 45: 97-99. ←click facsimile ←click
- Flegr J., Havlícek J. 1999: Changes in personality profile of young women with latent toxoplasmosis. Folia Parasitologica, 46: 22-28. ←click
- Votypka J., Hypsa V., Jirku M., Flegr J., Vávra J. and Lukes J. 1998: Molecular phylogeny of the genus Frenkelia (Protozoa, Apicomplexa): Relatedness of Frenkelia spp. to Sarcocystis falcatula Siles 1893. Is the genus Sarcocystis Paraphyletic? J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 45: 137-141. ←click
- Flegr J. 1998: Mechanismy mikroevoluce Karolinun Press, Prague, 382-029-98, pp. 139.
- Flegr J. 1998: On the "Origin" of natural selection by means of speciation. Riv.Biol./B. Forum 91: 291-304. The most important paper. It suggests a new genetic mechanism of evolutionary stasis and evolutionary plasticity. ←click facsimile ←click
- Flegr J. Zitková Š., Tachezy J. 1998: The role of psychological factors in questionnaire-based studies on routes of human toxoplasmosis transmission: The raw meat consumption but not the contact with cats is the major risk factor. Centr.Europ.J.Publ. Healt 6: 45-50. ←click
- Flegr J., Záboj P. and Vanácová S. 1998: Correlation between aerobic and anaerobic resistance to metronidazole in trichomonads: Application of a new computer program for permutation tests. Parasitology Research, 84: 590-592. ←click
- Flegr J. 1997: Two distinct types of natural selection in turbidostat-like and chemostat-like ecosystems. J.theor.Biol. 188: 121-126.←click
- Flegr J. and Záboj P. 1997: PTPT, the freeware program for permutation testing concordance between phylogeny and the distribution of phenetic traits. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 61: 91-95. ←click facsimile ←click
- Vanácová S., Tachezy J., Kulda J. and Flegr J. 1997: Characterization of trichomonad species and strains by PC fingerprinting. J.Eukar.Microbiol. 44: 545-552. ←click
- Flegr J., Zitková Š., Kodym P., Frynta D. 1996: Induction of changes in human behaviour by the parasitic protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. Parasitology, Vol 113, p. 49 - 54. ←click facsimile ←click
- Flegr J. 1996: Corrigendum to Does a cell perform isoelectric focusing? BioSystems 37 253. 0303-2647 ←click facsimile ←click
- Flegr J. 1996: Environmental selection, the missing term in Darwinism. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 60: 95-96, 1996 ISSN 0862-5247 ←click facsimile ←click
- Flegr J., Hrdy I. 1994: Influence chronic toxoplasmosis on some personality factors. Folia Parasitol. 41: 122-126. ←click
- Flegr J.1994: Chemostat-turbidostat discontinuum, r-K continuum and population-size regulating mechanism. Acta Soc.Zool.Bohem. 58: 143-149. 33-38.←click
- Flegr J., Tsukamoto T. 1994: Sequence mitochondrial D-loop in laboratory and wild strains of genus mus. Acta Soc.Zool.Bohem. 58: 33-38.←click facsimile ←click
- Flegr J. 1994: Mechanismy mikroevoluce. s. 1-116, Karolinum, Praha
- Flegr J. 1990: Does a cell perform isoelectric focusing? BioSystems 24 127-133.←click facsimile ←click
- Flegr J., Cerkasov J., Stokrová J. 1988: Multiple populations of double-stranded RNA in two virus-harbouring strains of Trichomonas vaginalis. Folia Microbiologica 33, 462-465. ←click facsimile ←click
- Flegr J. 1987: A rapid method for isolation of double stranded RNA. Preparative Biochemistry, 17: 423-433. ←click
- Flegr J., Cerkasov J., Kulda J., Tachezy J., Stokrová J. 1987: The dsRNA of Trichomonas vaginalis is associated with virus-like particles and does not correlate with metronidazole rezistance. Folia Microbiologica 32: 345-348. ←click facsimile ←click
- Flegr J., Cerkasov J., Kulda J., Tachezy J.,Stokrová J. 1986: Double stranded RNA in Trichomonas vaginalis. Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Biologica 30, : 281-286. ←click facsimile ←click