In 2024, you can nominate papers published in their final form in 2023.
How to apply: send requested materials by e-mail to with the subject “Vojtěch Jarošík Award – application” (or “Cena Vojtěcha Jarošíka – přihláška”)
Application deadline: 15 May 2024
Who is eligible:
- a student or recent graduate of any Czech university (regardless of nationality / citizenship) who published a great paper as the first author
- no older than 35 years at the date of first publication (incl. early online) of the nominated paper
Award conditions:
- the award is given for an excellent first-author paper by undergraduate of doctoral student published (in a final form) in a respected peer-reviewed journal in the given year
- the presented research must have been performed at a Czech academic institution or under its auspices (fieldwork may be conducted anywhere in the world and the international collaboration is welcome but the work must have clear links to the “mother” institution in Czechia)
- the paper must have been accepted for publication either before the defence of the candidate’s thesis or within a year after the defence (in the latter case, the corresponding manuscript must have been already part of the student’s thesis)
- if the paper ranks at 1st to 3rd place, the laureate agrees to present the publication in the form of an invited lecture at the ČSPE conference, unless serious circumstances prevent it (e.g., long-term stay abroad). ČSPE will pay for the transportation (bus, train, low-cost flight…; always in agreement with the society board), accommodation and conference fee.
- if the paper ranks at 1st to 3rd place, the applicant further undertakes to write a summary of the paper (in Czech or English) in a style understandable for ecologists from other fields, which will be published in the Bulletin of the Czech Society for Ecology. The scope of the summary should be ca one standard page, ideally with an image or photograph summarizing the results or illustrating the work on the project.
What should you provide:
- PDF of the nominated paper (final version, not early online)
- brief explanation of the excellence of the study (up to 100 words) + its full reference including DOI
- summary of the contribution of the first author
- brief CV of the candidate (including dates of birth, start of the study and, if relevant, date of the thesis defence)
The expert committee, composed of representatives of the Department of Ecology of Charles University and the Czech Society for Ecology, will choose the awardee. The committee will assess the originality of the work and its contribution to the field of ecology. (Ecology in this context is understood as a biological discipline dealing with various aspects of the relationships between organisms and their environment. Contributions, even excellent, that are only relevant for environmental sciences will not be considered.)
The Award is associated with a prize of 10,000 CZK and is awarded annually. The committee reserves the right not to award the prize in the given year in case the quality of the submitted papers is deemed insufficient. The award ceremony will take place during the conference of the Czech Society for Ecology, which is held biannually in even years. Laureates from the last two years (those who ranked 1st to 3rd) will always be invited to present the content of their awarded papers at this conference. Out of these, the best speaker will be eligible for a travel grant to attend a selected European ecological conference to represent the Award and ČSPE.