Student | Supervisor | Thesis topic |
Boušková Adéla | Mgr. Martina Komárková, Ph.D. | Individuality of a courtship as a key to the successful reproduction in semi-feral horses (Equus caballus) |
Dachsová Kristýna | Mgr. Zuzana Štěrbová | Timing of sensitive period of sexual imprinting in humans |
Fictumová Tereza | RNDr. Frýdlová Petra, Ph.D. | Evaluation of hybridization effect on fitness of eyelid geckos (Eublepharis, Gekkota) by performance tests |
Hlaváčová Kristina | RNDr. Eva Landová, Ph.D. | The effect of disruptive coloration of leopard geckos on their detectability |
Kočková-Amortová Eliška | RNDr. Eva Landová, Ph.D. | Experimental evaluation of prioritization of animal stimuli by human |
Mitlenerová Barbora | doc. Mgr. Alice Exnerová, Ph.D. | Interspecific comparison of social learning of food aversions in tits |
Ničová Klára | doc. Ing. Jitka Bartošová, Ph.D. | Laterality and directional preference in the training and use of saddle-horses |
Píšová Martina | PhDr. RNDr. Tereza Nekovářová, Ph.D. | Episodic-like memory in ontogeny |
Schindlerová Loretta | RNDr. Irena Schneiderová, Ph.D. | Individuallity in vocalizations of Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) and it’s use for monitoring and conservation |
Šťastná Tereza | RNDr. Martina Komárková, Ph.D. | |
Vohralíková Houšková Markéta | RNDr. Eva Landová, Ph.D. | Interaction between hierarchy, personality traits and melanin-based coloration in pigeons (Columba livia) |
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