Our PhD. students completed an abroad internship at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, Slovenia

From left: Dr. Estrella Serra Pérez, Lucie Havelková, Alena Hašková, Tomaž Kotnik, David Šorm
Our PhD. student David Šorm already completed a nearly three-month internship at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, Slovenia in autumn 2022. This time he was accompanied by two other PhD. students from our group – Lucie Havelková and Alena Hašková – to complete a three-week internship at the same institute in February 2023. The whole team worked under the supervision of doc. Dr. Sebastijan Kovačič on the development, synthesis and characterization of hierarchically porous polyacetylene networks prepared by a combination of chain-growth coordination polymerization and high internal phase emulsion (HIPE) technique. Some of the prepared materials were also already tested for certain photocatalytic applications.
Both parts of the internship were financed by “Grant Schemes at Charles University“ (reg. no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016935) (START/SCI/081). It was very beneficial for all participating students, who came in contact with several interesting instruments and techniques, met a lot of new people and finally gained many results, which will be used in their dissertation theses and possibly published in scientific journals.