1. User Registration
Every new user has to go through the registration process. We are managing all VMCF users using the Perun system on Cesnet. This system allows us to offer our users access to multiple systems using their institutional credentials and simplifies administration.
Please sign in with your institutional credentials to the Registration Form.
For new users, there are two parts. The first form is about your Perun account and the identity you use to sign in. This information is about your home institution’s affiliation. By submitting this form you are becoming a so-called Virtual Organization “VO_cuni_imcf” member. You can edit and extend this membership here.
The second form requires information about your current institution, department, laboratory membership, contact on your Principal Investigator (PI), and other required information we need. You will be selecting your Organization, Institution, Department, and Laboratory (orgUnit) from the list. The shortcuts in brackets [cuni-natur] may help you to find the exact value. If you do not find your affiliated workplace, please select — Custom Value — and provide detailed information. The administrator will add it to the list and ask you to correct the form before approval.
If you are a student, or employee of Charles University, provide your unique UK ID number and your unique login name. We need this to give you door and data access. Otherwise, leave these fields blank.
!!! In the case of using a custom email or private account as an identity provider, you must validate your e-mail address first. Check your e-mail box !!!
The group administrator must approve your application! Your membership must be renewed every year. You will receive the email. If you do not extend your membership, you will lose access to VMCF services automatically.
You can extend your membership anytime by submitting the Registration Form again. You should also do it if you change your home institution or laboratory.
Consider consolidating your identity providers using Identity Consolidator. We strongly recommend doing so immediately with your private account credentials (Search for CESNET – Apple, GitHub, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, or ORCID), or at least after you get the new affiliation before you lose the credentials in the past institution. The system will correctly recognize you then. Otherwise, you need to do a new registration and all your old data becomes unavailable to you. We are not able to help you in this case.
By submitting the registration application you agree with VMCF rules and policies and the GDPR statement.
2. Calpendo booking system access
Once you are a registered and approved user, you can sign in to our Calpendo booking system (calpendo.natur.cuni.cz). You want to create a bookmark.
Click the AAI Login button and select your institution or identity provider.
During the testing period, you will see the screen shown lower. Just click continue.
On the next screen, you will approve all the information systems provided about you. Please leave all values selected. To preserve this approval for next time you can tick “Remember”.
Be patient, the redirection can take an inconveniently long time!
Now you will be redirected to the Calpendo booking system. Maybe you will need to agree once more you are going to become an EINFRA member during the next logon!
3. User training
For successful booking, everybody needs a record of the training. There are several types of training. Training courses have been prepared for current users. Every current user of the KONFMI and Cytometry unit must enroll in the “General welcome course for current users”. Then enroll in the “Current user Your instrument training” accordingly.
To enroll in the courses navigate to the menu “My Account > Trainings > Training course registration”. A new user should enroll in the “General Welcome Meeting” first. You will get a date available for personal discussion about your needs.
Any booking may be created with the request of assistance at any time.
4. Join the Project in Calpendo
Calpendo is a project-based system. To make resource booking you must also choose a project for which the fee should be assigned. We strongly recommend all users to force their Principal Investigator (PI) to register to the Calpendo although it is not required. The PI and the Project Owner do not have to be the same person, but the PI is always approving the Project.
Groups that have prepaid time will be assigned to the Projects owned by the facility later. New users may create their new Projects or can be assigned to already active projects by project Owners, PIs, or colleagues.
Group leaders are forced to create their default Project and other projects if it makes sense.
Project naming pattern:
VMCF unit_group CODE_Surname of the Owner_Year_note
VMCF units are
LM for Light Microscopy (KONFMI)
EM for Electron Microscopy (LEM)
CM for Cytometry
IA for Image Analysis unit
Project name Examples:
EM_NATUR_0068_Novotny_2024_CzBi_1 // (1 for first call, 2 for second call).
Project code example:
use the same code as for the Project name. Just avoid diacritics.
We are happy to help you create Projects personally in office S47. Note we can rename your project. The project code needs to be unique.
On Calpendo Info pages you can find detailed information on how to work with Projects.