RNDr. Adam Dušek, Ph.D.

Institution: Department of Ethology, Institute of Animal Science, Prague

Web: http://vuzv.cz/en/people/dusek-adam

E-mail: dusek.adam@vuzv.cz

Phone: +420 267 009 765


Research interests: reproductive optimization, sex allocation, social dominance, phenotypic plasticity, maternal effects, biology of stress

Model organisms: mammals


Selected publications:

Boonstra R., Dušek A. & Flynn R. W. 2018. DHEA and territoriality during the nonbreeding season in male American martens (Martes americana). Journal of Mammalogy 99: 826-835.

Dušek A., Bartoš L. & Sedláček F. 2017. Pre-breeding food restriction promotes the optimization of parental investment in house mice, Mus musculus. PLoS ONE 12: e0173985.

Bartoš L., Bartošová J., Chaloupková H., Dušek A., Hradecká L. & Svobodová I. 2016. A sociobiological origin of pregnancy failure in domestic dogs. Scientific Reports 6: 1–10.

Dušek A., Bartoš L. & Sedláček F. 2011. Mixed sex allocation strategies in a polytocous mammal, the house mouse (Mus musculus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 2209-2217.

Dušek A., Bartoš L. & Sedláček F. 2010. Developmental instability of ano-genital distance index: implications for assessment of prenatal masculinization. Developmental Psychobiology 52: 568-573.

Dušek A., Bartoš L. & Švecová L. 2007. The effect of a mother’s rank on her offspring’s pre-weaning rank in farmed red deer. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 103: 146−155.


ResearcherID profile: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-5407-2008

ORCID profile: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8552-4089

ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Adam_Dusek

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