Workshop on Tailoring Reaction Pathways by Catalysis

The workshop organized by the group of Heterogeneous Catalysis and Advanced Materials from Charles university followed up the 15th European Congress on Catalysis EuropaCat2023.

The Workshop took place in the the impressive Baroque Château Liblice situated 30 km north of Prague.

and covered different aspects of catalysis from rational design of heterogeneous, enzymatic and organometallic catalysts to their advanced characterization and application

Emad explaining the designed approach to tune crystal size and shape in zeolite catalysts
Jan presenting catalysis over modified Lewis acid zeolites

The Workshop provided an excellent opportunity for young researchers not only to engage in meaningful discussions with leading experts in the field

Petr discussing the orthogonal ADOR with Prof. Okubo
Yuqi discussing the IR spectroscopic studied of new catalysts with Prof. Bulánek
Talat and Jan planning their joint research

but also to get into the global catalytic research community while participating the informal activities.

Fireplace in Liblice