Treeline ecology
Treeline ecology
Tree growth monitoring
Tree growth monitoring
Wood anatomy
Wood anatomy
Tree growth modelling
Tree growth modelling
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Faculty of Science, Charles University
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Welcome to the website of the Dendroecology Working Group!

Research area

We use dendrochronological methods to do research in forest and landscape ecology, and to investigate climate change impacts on forests.

About us

Welcome to our webpage!

We are a team of tree-ring scientists based at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. We do research in dendroecology, dendroclimatology, dendrogeomorphology, and dendrochemistry. We mainly work with coniferous trees at alpine treelines (Central Europe) and at high latitudes, but we also study broadleaved species in the Central European lowlands.

Our lab provides infrastructure to measure tree-ring width, blue intensity, wood anatomy, and stable isotopes.
