News page

Ph.D. thesis successfully defended

Recently, Jirka Mašek successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Response of tree rings and NDVI of Central-European conifers to extreme climatic events”. With his research, Jirka contributes to a better understanding of environmental effects on growth of temperate forest trees. Congratulations!


Four open PhD positions

Starting October 2024, we are offering four fully funded Ph.D. positions in the fields of dendroecology, growth modeling, and forest ecology. The aim is to better understand the response of different forest ecosystems to ongoing climate change on various temporal and spatial scales using different dendrochronological methods. Check out the details of each position under […]

New papers published

Check out our recently published papers: Jan Tumajer led a study on “Dendrometers challenge the ‘moon wood concept’ by elucidating the absence of lunar cycles in tree stem radius oscillation”, which was accompanied by a press release and newspaper article, and Jirka Masek led a paper on “Shifting climatic responses of tree rings and NDVI […]

DAAD internship offer

For Bachelor students enrolled at a German university, we offer a paid internship in summer 2024 through the German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD, to work with tree rings and wood anatomy. Applications are possible until December 8, 2023, through the DAAD RISE worldwide portal. In the DAAD portal our offer is listed under the […]

Postdoctoral research project awarded

Congratulations to our postdoctoral researcher Eunice Romero, who has been awarded a European Research Area (ERA) research grant, building on the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships programme. ERA improves access to excellence for researchers across the European Union and strengthens the balanced circulation of knowledge. With the approved budget, Eunice aims to contribute to a better understanding […]

Open PhD position

We are seeking a PhD student starting 1 March 2024 to support our new project: “Joint effects of climate, atmospheric deposition, soil properties and tree nutrition on growth and forest health”. Application deadline is 3 December, 2023. Find the full advertisement under our ‘opportunities’ tab!

New paper

Jan Tumajer published a new paper in STOTEN: together with colleagues from the Universities in Ústí and Třeboň, they investigated how climate-growth responses (based on correlations) and phenology (based on process-based models and NDVI data) changed in white spruce and black spruce in NE Canada across elevational gradients and at different slope aspects. Find the […]

Fieldwork at high elevations

We conducted two international field campaigns in May and June to sample high-elevation pines in the Pyrenees (Pinus uncinata) and South Norway (Pinus sylvestris). In addition to dendrochronological sampling, we installed dendrometers and microclimate loggers (soil and air temperature and moisture/humidity) to better understand climate-growth responses at high temporal resolution – our sensors record data […]

European Dendroecological Fieldweek

Our group is hosting the 33rd European Dendroecological Fieldweek (EDF)! The EDF is organized every year by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) as a practical field course for anyone interested in learning more about tree-ring research. This year’s EDF will take place in Pec pod Sněžkou in scenic Krkonoše […]

Student research project awarded

We congratulate our Ph.D. student Francesco Marotta who was awarded a GAUK (Charles University) student research grant for the duration of three years. It includes a personal fellowship and budget to carry out fieldwork for an own specific project. Francesco plans to use dendrometers and tree growth models to better understand climate-growth responses of pines […]