Sociobiologie a behaviorální ekologie II - MB170P00B, letní semestr, přednáška a praktikum

Please note, the lectures are given in the Czech language. English version of the course can be requested in advance if there are at least 3 students. History and basic ideas of sociobiology; genetics of behaviours; advantages of sociality, reciprocal altruism and co-operation; kin altruism, helpers, family; individual and kin recognition, origin of eusociality: Hymenoptera, termites, other insects, mammals; infanticide; parental conflict; siblicide; brood parasitism; communication, honest signals; territoriality and its consequences; mating systems – monogamy, polyandry, polygyny, lek, promiscuity, reproductive systems in insects, ungulates, rodents, carnivores; foraging and feeding behavior; learning and evolution .


Krebs J.R. & Davies N.B., 1993: An introduction to behavioural ecology. Third edition. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 420 pp.

Krebs J.R. & Davies N.B. (eds), 1997: Behavioural ecology. Fourth edition. Blackwell Sciencee Ltd., 456 pp.

Wilson E.O. 1975: Sociobiology – The New Synthesis, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 900 pp.

Trivers R. 1985: Social evolution. Menlo Park: Benjamin Cummings, 462 pp.

Estes R.D. 1992: The behavior guide to African mammals.

Berkley: University of California Press, 611 pp.


1. Behavioural ecology of fishes I.

2. Behavioural ecology of fishes II. Poecilia reticulata

3. Mating systems and parental care in reptiles

4. Reproductive systems and life-history in birds

5. Sociobiology of tropical birds

6. Social partnership, divorce and monogamy in birds

7. Polygyny in Agelaius phoeniceus

8. Female dominance, competition and mating systems in hyenas

Crocuta crocuta, Hyaena hyaena, H.brunnea

9. Social systems of canids

10. Cooperation in wild dog Lycaon pictus

11. Social organisation of lions Panthera leo and other cats

12. Reproductive systems of ungulates I.

13. Reproductive systems of ungulates II.

14. Reproductive systems of rodents I.

Muridae sensu lato: house mouse, Norway rat, wood mice, voles, gerbils, hamsters, etc

15. Reproductive systems of rodents II.

Other rodent taxa

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