MECOG-CE Newsletter – November 2023
Newly published MECOG-CE Newsletter reports about the identification of 44 Examples of Good Practices within 14 Thematic Domains and Challenges and Opportunities for Metropolitan Areas in Central Europe
Challenges and opportunities for Metropolitan Areas in Central Europe
The study ‘Identification of Challenges Specific to Central European Metropolitan Areas (MAs)’, conducted by Charles University as part of the MECOG-CE project examines the presence of the metropolitan dimension in EU and international documents and captures the perspectives of stakeholders from Central European MAs regarding contemporary challenges and opportunities related to metropolitan development, governance, planning, and cooperation. These findings, derived from surveys and focus groups with project partners, are poised to guide Central European MAs in their transformation into vibrant centers of urban development, governance, and collaboration.
Kick-off meeting – MECOG-CE: Posílení metropolitní spolupráce a správy ve střední Evropě / MECOG-CE: Strengthening Metropolitan Cooperation and Governance in Central Europe
Centrum pro výzkum měst a regionů (CVMR) KSGRR PřF UK je jedním z partnerů mezinárodního projektu MECOG-CE: Posílení metropolitní spolupráce a správy ve střední Evropě, který podpořil program Interreg Central Europe. Vedle úvodní online schůzky se projektoví patneři sešli na jednání v Brně. CVMR společně s Uniwersytet Śląski koordinují v období duben 2023 – březen 2024 aktivity a výstupy v rámci pracovního balíčku “WP1: Analýza metropolitní dimenze“. / The Centre for City and Regional Research (CVMR) KSGRR Faculty of Science is one of the partners of the international project MECOG-CE: Strengthening Metropolitan Cooperation and Governance in Central Europe, supported by the Interreg Central Europe programme. In addition to an online start, the project partners met during the kick-off meeting in Brno. The CVMR together with University of Silesia in Katowice are coordinating the activities and outputs of the work package “WP1: Analysis of metropolitan dimension” between April 2023 and March 2024.